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Yo everyone! (Oh my god I just said yo. Please forget I said that.)

Let's restart:

Hey everyone! (Much better.)

I'm back from my vacation! (Actually I got back Thursday evening, and I've been really busy since then so that's why I'm updating now)

So here's a brief rundown:

The wedding was fun, I didn't see the bride's brother, and I got to dance with my first drunk guy. His name was Larry  and he had cool hair.

DC was beautiful. I want to live there. Either that or Toronto.

We hit tons of Lincoln stuff (he's basically my role model, although I'd rather not be assassinated XD), the Crime and Punishment museum (awesome!!), a bunch of memorials, and 3 Smithsonian's in one day.

And we walked. A lot.

My legs still hurt slightly.

I think they hate me right now for what I did to them. :)

After the awesomeness of DC, we went to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and OH MY GOD IT WAS THE BEST. They had tons of awesome exhibits (they had Pink Floyd's The Wall! It was literally a wall with a bunch of Pink Floyd stuff on it!), and ALL OF THE BEATLES EXHIBITS AND STUFF!!!

It was awesome. And I got an awesome hoodie from there (media section please!).It's cool.

So, there is the extremely brief rundown of my trip!

Now to catch up on my notifications! :)


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