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I watched the movie Signs yesterday. HOLY FLIPPING CRAP THAT MOVIE IS TERRIFYING. I was seriously considering sleeping in my parents' bed. That's how bad it was.

If you've seen this movie, you understand! :D But if you haven't, go and see it. Right now. I can wait.

I have, well, a few things to say about it: GOOD GOD THAT WAS SCARY, why wouldn't you grab the medicine on the way?, and always follow the author of the book! They should've followed M. Night Shyamalan to the lake! You ALWAYS do what the author says! Always! Unless you have a death wish! It would've saved them all the trouble of, y'know, stuff. (I'm not telling you a thing!)

*shiver* That news report though.


I did like at the end, they're like, "Hey, it's over!" And then y'know, stuff. Ha. :)

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