Phantom of the Opera's Stand

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I was reading 'The Stand' by Stephen King a bit ago

At one part, this happens: (I'm not going to use names since I'd rather not spoil the book for you guys)

Girl: Say you love me.

Guy: You know I do.

Me: Ajshdishcsjnd ermahgawd! *starts singing 'All I Ask Of You' at the top of my lungs*

True story.

Oh, and I was reading 'Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell' by Susanna Clarke, and this happened:

*le moi reading*

A letter is written in the book to Mr Norrell. The date is 1807.

*reads date*

*stops for a sec*



*starts sing-screaming The Phantom of the Opera'*

See? There's ALWAYS reasons to start randomly singing Phantom music! :D

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