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Olo everyone! (Yeah, olo. I use that, along with 'ello' if I get tired of just saying 'hello' or 'hey'. I know, I'm an odd duck. But I'm pretty cool with it.)

So, as you might have noticed (hopefully- do I still have "fans"? Hmm... Oh well! I'm mainly here to amuse myself! :D) I have been inactive for quite a while, the reason being:

Who's surprised?

Answer: nobody! Yeah!

Geez, I need some sleep. I get weird when I'm tired. And I'm generally tired. Lovely.

But I'm here now! And I have Of Monsters and Men on repeat, so it's time for me to catch up on those notifications and maybe write a wee bit! (If everyone would just STOP UPDATING for a bit, this would be sooo much easier! God, you guys! You're so horrible! Ugh! [kidding- I love you all in a totally platonic way <3])

To the notifications! Away! *whoosh*


PS: that picture up there is a comic I got autographed at ComiCon (yep,that's how they spelled it- the grammar nazi in me wanted to fix all of the posters and signs XD) by none other than Bill Sienkiewicz (pronounced sin-KEV-itch, not sien-kie-I don't know), who's my absolute favourite comic book artist!
It was awesome! And I got it signed for free! Woohoo!
I love free things. They're the best.

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