The Support Group

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A bit ago, a friend of a friend, TeaAndSympathy contacted me regarding a book that they had published called The Support Group, and asked if I could spread the word. Now, I'm not normally one to shoutout to users or say, "Hey everyone! Read this one book that my friend made!", but I thought, hey, why not?

I started looking through the book, and I found that the whole concept of it is really amazing. There's different chapters concerning issues that people may be facing, such as depression, anxiety, eating disorders, etc., and if you comment on one of those sections, someone will contact you to talk about it.

I think we all need someone to talk to sometimes, and this lets you to. So, if you feel alone in the world, like no one gives a sh!t about you or what you're going through, go read this book. It'll help, believe me.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2015 ⏰

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