
192 8 1

Requested by MistakeAtBirth

Yami waited silently for Mark on the once snow covered bench. It was early December and the weather had gotten cold enough for it to snow. Yami wrapped his coat tighter around is body, if he waited any longer he might catch something serious. Yami sighed and stood up about to walk away when he heard a car honk at him from behind. The car pulled in beside him and and Mark came out of the opening car door.

"Yami what are you thinking! I sent you a text telling you to meet me at the cafe instead! I was so worried something had happened to you!" Mark said wrapping Yami in a tight hug.

"Sorry my phone didn't buzz" Yami said pulling out his phone and looking the the texts messages Mark had. There was about fifteen different ones each sounding more worried than the other.

Yami smiled, Matk actually cared for him. Mark tapped his shoulder and nodded towards the car. Yami smiled and got in the passenger side. Once Mark got in and started the car he noticed he was low on gas. He looked at Yami with a joking frown,

"Four hours looking for you with half a tank your paying for the gas" Mark said. Yami smiled and nodded. he would do anything for his crush...except pay for gas.

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