Ch.3 Face to Face

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Natsu is at the bar in their guild drink flames like he always does as he over thinks about Blue Flame, he has trouble figuring out if igneel mentioned something about having another kid but nothing popped up in his head.

Natsu Pov:
Damn I can figure out who this Blue Flame guy is. Wait...gramps said he saw him in the near by forest maybe I can track his scent or find him there.

Narrator Pov:
As Natsu leaves the guild he catches a glimpse on Lucy calling out for him.

Lucy's Pov:
Hey Natsu! Wait up! Yeah what's up luce. Where are you going Natsu? Oh just um heading out getting some fresh air in the woods. Well can I join you? Umm I dont know I mean... Natsu I know your going after that guy um Blue fire? Or something like that. Sigh, ok you got me yes I was going after Blue Flame, I just want to see what he looks like or if he's good or evil. I know Natsu but didn't master say that to be caution when heading out the guild? Yeah he did tell me but I'm just really curious about this guy. Ok Natsu but I'm coming with you. No, I can't have you in danger. Awwww you care about me. ITS NOTTTT LIKKEEEE THHHAATTTT!!!!! I just don't want you to get hurt because of me. I'm not, and I see your cheeks are getting red. STOOOPPPPP YOUR MAKING THEM RED. Ok, I'll stop if u let me come with you. Ughhhhhhhh, fine but stay by my side ok. Ok, you little cute dragon slayer. OH MY GOD!!!!!! Hahahaha, ok I'll stop for reals this time. Ok thank you.

As Natsu and Lucy seek to find Blue Flame, the energy gets stronger every time they pass a spot in the forest.

Natsu Pov:
I got a strange scent and a lot of energy in this forest. Lucy stay behind me. Ok. Wait what's that blue light coming from? It looks like it's coming from the guild. Hurry it's got to be him! Natsu wait up your running to fast! Sorry luce.

Natsu hears his guild screaming in terror as they see the man that was seeking Natsu.

Natsu Pov:
What's going...on? As the guild looks at Natsu, then back at Blue Flame. Um Natsu this is Blue Flame he seems calm. I can see that. He seems Manly enough to be here. Ok so I thought he was a bad guy. Well your wrong Natsu, says Blue Flame. And I heard you don't think I'm strong. Yeah I don't think your that strong. Look Natsu I didn't come here to start a fight with you, I came here to see you I have a message from someone that wants to talk to you personally. Well that's gonna wait cause I wanna show you how strong I am and that I can beat you! Natsu don.. It's ok gramps I can handle him. Natsu I don't wanna do this to you. Well if your not gonna fight then I will!!! FIRE DRAGON ROARRRRRRR!!!!!!!
As the flames clear Blue Flame is there standing the same way he was without a scratch. Wait what?!?! I gave it all I had. I WARNED YOU NATSU!!! BLUE FIRE DRAGON ROARRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!! As the blue fire hits Natsu it knocks out Natsu and Blue flame picks him up and takes him. Without notice Blue Flame and Natsu were long gone.

A/N sorry I was going with a different intro with Blue flame but I'm tiered so if I ruined it sorry but yeah here's ch.3 thanks for reading :) stay awesome

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