Ch.6 Acnologia

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Blue Flame, Natsu, and makarov are attacking the dark dragon while, Laxus, Erza, Mirajane, Gajeel, and Wendy, are distracting it.

Natsu's Pov:
FIRE DRAGON IRON FIST!!!! (BOOM) as a loud explosion occurs. But the dragon is still standing with out a scratch. What the hell, he doesn't even have a scratch. How the hell are we gonna beat him. HEY! Says, Laxus. We're fairy tail goddamn it, we don't back down from a fight we finish it lets work together.
As they were planning, Blue Flame was hit with Acnologias wing attack.
Aghhhhhhhhh. BLUE FLAME!!!! Are you alright,says Natsu. Yeah...I-I'm fine thanks. Blue Flame, your glowing again, but why is that, are u gonna sneeze again. Aghhhhhhh!!!!!!! GET BACK!!!!! Every body get back, yells Natsu. BLUE FIRE DRAGON ROAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!(BOOOOOOMMMM)
Acnologia was knocked to his feet but still got back up, but badly injured. Ouch I think I over did it. I think u should rest Blue Flame. Yeah, ok then. Alright, Wendy and gajeel, let's do our dragon roars together while, Laxus shoots a big bolt, are you ready?!?! Yeah!, Wendy, gajeel, and Laxus say. Alright! FIRE DRAGON, IRON DRAGON, SKY DRAGON ROOOOOAARRRRRRRR, LIGHTING, STRIKE!!!!! (Booooom) Acnologia went down but not out. He's almost out come on!! Let me help, says Blue Flame. No your injured, says Natsu. I don't care! Yells Blue Flame. Let me help you please. Ok let's do that attack again but together now, ready?! READY!!!! FIRE DRAGON, IRON DRAGON, SKY DRAGON, ROOOOAAAARRRRR. LIGHTING STRIKE!!!!!! BLUE FIRE DRAGON, ULTRA FIRE ROOOAAAAARRRRR!!!!!! As a beam of flames with electricity hit Acnologia he falls and explodes into pieces. But a black beam hits Blue Flame and knocks h off his feet sending him against a rock. Aghhhhhh!!!!!!! BLUE FLAME!!!!!!every one yelled. As Blue Flame is covered with a black glowing beam around him. He fades into a sleep.

6 hours later after the fight

Blue Flames Pov:
What the...hell. Where am I? Blue Flame your awake, says Mirajane, as she holds his hand. Yeah I'm back, wha-what happened?! You sorta blacked out when you were hit with Acnologias beam. Blue Flame, says makarov in a determined voice. I'm afraid something terrible happened to you. Wha-what do u mean terrible, like what?! Well when Acnologias beam hit you, it was a dark spell that hasn't been unleashed in ages and it was unleashed upon you my boy. What's this spell your talking about. The spell igneel feared you'd have someday, black flames. Wa-wait wha-what?!?! Listen don't panic it will unleash those flames and it will destroy anything that's in front of you. I would becarful and not loose my temper if I were you my boy. Wa-wait so your saying I lost my blue flames and I have black flames now?!? No you still have your blue flames, but the black flames on the other hand are a special ability that you can unlock, it's very destructive and I would highly recommend you becarful. Ok, master thanks for telling me. Well my boy you should get some rest, you fought a hard fight out there. Congrats. Thanks master. Mirajane, you should leave Blue Flame alone for awhile, so he can get some rest. Ok.... (Blue Flame holds her arm) Um I was wondering if she could stay and sleep with me? Umm ok, if Mirajane is fine with that. I am, master.(with a huge smile she hops on Blue Flames bed and rests with him) As Blue Flame thinks of himself. What the hell am I then, a type of monster, no, I don't want to be known like that, igneel please help me, Blue Flame thought in his mind.

9 hours later it was already morning

Natsu's Pov:
I wonder what Blue Flame is up to? As Natsu proceeds to go to Blue Flames room he finds Mirajane in bed with him. Awe look at the love birds. As he smirks Blue Flame awakes. Hey Natsu, whats up? Oh nothing much just hanging around at the bar with Lucy and happy, I see you've been resting well enough. Blue Flame looks over at the sleeping Mirajane, heh she's beautiful. She loves you, you know that right?, says Natsu. Of course, and I love her as well. Hey! Wanna battle?! Not now Natsu, I would love too but I'm barely able to stand. Ahhhh, fine, as Natsu pouts. Tell you what in the next 30 mins, I will recover them we'll battle, deal? Deal!!, yells Natsu, waking up Mirajane. Mira?!, says Blue Flame. Wha-what's going on with you two? Oh um nothing, babe we're just talking. Um-hum about a battle right? Uhhhh maybe. Ahh, baby I don't want you to get hurt, or hurting Natsu. But natsu's the one who asked for a battle. Is that true Natsu, with an evil look in her eyes. Ummm uhhhhhh no, not at all I mean, just a little ting fight, that's it. No!!! Too bad yall two are not fighting till my Blue Flame gets......(Blue Flame placed his warm lips on Mira's as she blushed hard pulling Blue Flames head Towards hers) giving a waving sign for Natsu to go. As so he did. Natsu went back to the bar, awaiting his girlfriend, Lucy and his best friend, happy, hey sweetie. Hey my little dragon slayer, how's Blue Flame? He's doing good. Him and Mira look great together, like me and you. (she blushes)  Of course sweetie, I hope that dark beam that came out of Acnologia didn't do anything severe to him, I would hate to see me and him fight for reals, he's my brother and I will protect him like I protect my guild, fairy tail.

30 mins later

Blue Flames Pov:
So Natsu let's see those flames. Comin right atcha, FIRE DRAGON IRON FIST! Blue Flame dodge it, BLUE FIRE DRAGON IRON FIST, it hits Natsu straight in the face making him fly up high then landing in guildarts arm.

Guild arts Pov:
Guildart! Yells Natsu. Hey bud don't u think your a little to weak for him. NO I AM NOT! Well sorta looks like it. Hey you must be Blue Flame, I'm Guildarts. Nice to meet you guildart. So, I hear you have the same power as Natsu, only stronger? Um yeah I guess you can say that. Well mind if I have a go? Um are you sure sir? Comon your pretty tough defeating Acnologia, he tore my arm and leg. Comon dragon slayer show me what a blue fire dragon is made of. Ok then.

A/N Hey guys hoped you enjoyed this chapter I made it long cause I didn't update for awhile so sorry, but as alway stay awesome :D

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