Ch.5 Joining fairy tail

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Blue Flame was accepted by every one in the guild, but mostly remained quiet, and lonely. Everytime the guild got together he'd always stay behind it in the corner where no one sees him.

Blue Flames Pov:
(Sigh) I like this guild but I feel like I don't belong here,said Blue Flame to himself. Well don't say that! Huh? Laxus? I know it's been only a month and I've seen you by yourself mostly, what's wrong man? Um..nothing I'm just thinking. Hmmm thinking about what, running away. Ummm.... Listen if u don't want to stay here I understand and I'll tell gramps. No! I just..uh...just please I don't want to leave. Ok so then what's the problem big guy? I'm afraid I'll lose my rage here. Wait what do u mean? The dark guilds have been looking for me, after the defeat of zeref, I've been targeted by many, and that they want my power for their benefit to take over fiore. Wow well I didn't expect that, I mean you are going to protect us if the day comes right? Of course! Well u better I would hate to see you be against us. Ok well wanna talk to gramps? No, not yet at least. Ok well when u can, go right upstairs or meet him, and tell him. I trust you man I really do. Yeah I won't let fairy tail down I promise! Ok that's the spirt, now comon I see mirajane, has been eyeballing you for quite awhile now, go talk to her! No...I can't. Comon she's not gonna turn into her shedevil and beat u up, trust me she won't bite. Not yet at least. Hey! I'm just joking now go. Ok.

Blue Flame walks up to the bar and notices that mirajane, turned quickly as she made eye contact with Blue Flame.

Mirajanes Pov:
Um...h-hi b-b-Blue Flame..what c-can I g-get y-you? Um I'll have the fire drink. You mean the one that Natsu drinks? Yeah why not? Um are u sure you can consume other than your flames? Of course. Wait..what?!?! You mean to tell me you can consume almost anything?!?? Pretty much. O-oh...u-um ok? Here I brewed it with More fire for it to benefit you. Blue flame took a mouth full of the drink and drank all of it in 3 gulps. Ahhh feels great...woah, I'm glowing again.

As Blue Flame begins to glow in a bright Blue Fire appeared around Blue Flame.

Blue Flame Pov:
Ahh damn it not again, everybody take cover!!! As everyone panicked and ran for cover Erza and Laxus followed Blue Flame outside. What is it, Blue Flame? I'm gonna sneeze but it makes me. Roar so I would take cover if I were you. Um ok? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhchooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As blue flames were seen at a distant and destroyed a hill in front of them leaving it an open wide gap.

The whole guild:
HOLY SH**!!!!!!

Natsu's Pov:
Wow, I must really mean nothing when I'm with him. Aww don't feel bad Natsu I still think your strong as well,says Lucy with a huge smile. Thanks Luce, as he hugs her.

Blue Flame amazes the whole guild with his power but after the incident he felt ashamed of himself destroying most of land near them.

Blue Flames Pov:
Ohhh, you've got to be kidding me, GOD DAMN IT NOT AGAIN!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhh! Hey Blue Flame it's ok, u didn't do anything wrong says, mirajane as she hugs him from behind. Then he calms down from her warm touch and she felt the flames weaken when she was holding him. I'm sorry... Blue Flame hugs her back as a thank you. Mirajane blushes hard. Thank you Mirajane. Let's head back to the guild.

As for Blue Flame, Erza, Laxus, and Mirajane, head back inside they hear a strange roar from a distance.

Blue Flames Pov:
Oh no it's him! It's who?!?! Acnologia!!! Everybody run!!!!!! As for Erza,Laxus,Mira, and Natsu resisted were gonna help you defeat it. No! Get out of here I'll deal with it. I'm sorry but your one of us now, and we deal with problems together no matter what said Erza. As Blue Flame smirked, he said "ok I need Laxus, Erza,and Mira to distract it, while me and Natsu will attack it. Ok! Everyone else shouted. I'm helping too! Gramps!! I'm as strong as you Blue Flame let me help. Ok, old man your ready. I was ready ever since you were born, now let's do this!!! YEAH!!!! Every one yelled. Wait! Said Blue Flame. He took Mira by the arm and he kissed her hard and she kissed back even hard causing her to blush. Ok now we know the plan now let's kick that dragons ass. Wait were helping too!! Alright two more dragon slayers, Wendy the wind dragon, and gajeel the iron dragon, that makes 4 unstoppable dragon slayers. Hell yes, yelled Natsu let's do th... As he was cut off when Lucy kissed him. Go get em dragon slayer. YEAH IM ALL FIRED UP NOW!!! Ok let's do this. In my mind I thought fairy tail was a bunch of kids but instead they were family and I enjoyed it, it actually felt like home. I thank my self for joining fairy tail. Let's do this!

A/N there's ch.5 I hope it gets better for you and satisfies your reading.
Stay awesome :)

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