2. Her

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I stood at Bruce's grave, just standing there, looking at the numerous rocks and splotches of shiny rocks in the marble.

Bruce Wayne, it read.

Beloved Father.

I put the white rose Helena gave me down on his headstone.

"Master Damian? Will you be joining us for dinner anytime soon?" Alfred asked.

"Yes....." I said. "Just give me a second."

I kneeled down at his head stone and put a hand on it

I failed you father. I wish I hadn't. But your bravery saved thousands in Gotham and your legacy will always be remembered.

I stood up and walked with Pennyworth.

"Sir, are you alright?" Alfred asked.

I looked up.

"Yes. I wish I could've saved him six months ago....."

"Sir, it is not your fault. We could not be any more than proud of what a fine young man Master Bruce has raised." Alfred said and put a hand on my shoulder.

I looked up at him and smiled. "Thanks, Alfred."

I sat down at the edge of the long table as Alfred went to the kitchen to get oir dishes.

Everyone came.

Barbara, Dick, Helena, Tim, and even Jason and Stephanie.

We weren't the same.

There was a hole that was made, and we needed something to fill it in.

Bruce that is.

We all ate in silence.

No jokes.
No laughing.
No conversating.

Just silence.


I stared at the floor.

I was doing a hand stand in front if the kitchen.

I hit the thirty minute line and headed to the batcave.

I wrapped my hands in tape and started punching.

Alfred came down.

"Sir, may I ask what you are doing?" he sounded a little annoyed.

"My regimen." I said as I gave another whack at the bag.

"This early?" he asked.

"Yes." I said and did a full spin kick.

"Might you rest up like everyone else? You're first day of school is today." Alfred said.

"I can't. This is when I do this." I said and huffed.

"Sir, it is four in the morning." Alfred said.

I sighed and stopped punching.

"I'll keep it down."

When I was done, I took a quick shower and headed to the TV.

It brought back old times.


"Open your mind, Damian. The movie's got alot of sword play and you'll love it." Bruce said as he flicked off my ear bud.

"You're gonna torture us with some ancient black and white movie, aren't you?" I groaned.

"Um....Bruce are you sure you want to watch this?" Dick said as he ate popcorn.

"It may have been the worst night of my life, Dick, but until Chill stepped out of the shadows, it was the best day of my life.
It wasn't often I got to spend every waking minute with both my mother and father,and the whole day felt special.
Looking back, this movie not only marked an ending but a beginning.....
Of a new road.....a new path....

The Girl That Changed The Wayne (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now