6. Crush❤

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I lazily slid off the top bunk and eyed Cory's bed.

The sheets were messy, yet artfully placed.

I walked out and saw Cory, Jason, Tim and Alfred awake.

Jason sat at the breakfast bar, casually on.his phone while Alfred made breakfast.

Tim and Cory were on the air hockey table.

Her green eyes landed on me and then she appraoched and hugged me.

"Hello! Did you have a good night's rest?" she said cheerfully.

I couldn't decide whether to be annoyed or be cheerful myself.

"Very well." I smiled. "Thanks."

In response she smiled and resumed the game.

Tim discreetly waggled his eyebrows.

I yawned and stretched my arms out, nonchalantly flipping him off.

Tim snorted.

Jason looked up from his phone and raised an eyebrow at both of us.

We snorted.

"What?" Coraline said.

"Nothing." We replied in sync.



Should it make me uncomfortable that I had a twenty and twenty-two year old as my best friend?

I think it should.

Especially the twenty two year old. He's hot.


After this past month, Jason was considered a brother to me. But.....

I still get way too nervous around him.

I guess its because the little notions, such as placing a hand on my shoulder or even remotely looking at me.

But Damian?

Woah. Don't even get me started on Damian.

He's so cute!

I sat next to Tim on the couch and stared at Damian, who was smiling and playfully punched Jason on the shoulder.

His smile........

Tim caught my stare and said,

"So you and Damian, huh?" He smirked.

I blushed, a little flustered.

"Wha- what? We're just friends....." I said.

He kept his smirk and put his arm around me.

"That's what they all say....."

I turned and.glared, and for the very first time, I socked his arm.

"Ow! Damn! For a little girl you pack one hell of a punch!" He winced.


I knew it was true.

I knew in my heart I always loved Damian.....

not as a friend........

But as....

Something more.




"C'mon Dami! Let's go!" Cory said as she dragged me along the Gotham pier to the rides.

We manuvered through crowds into the theme park.

I made a strange expression.

"Where.....are we?" I asked in wonder as I stared at the rollercoasters and booths.

Cory stared at me incredulously.

"Are you serious? We're at a theme park!" She swelled.

"What's a theme park?" I asked, confused.

Her jaw dropped.

"Dude, do you even understand the meaning of fun?" she said in an almost exasperated manner.

"I wasn't raised to have fun." I crossed my arms.

She rolled her eyes and suddenly whipped me into a jumping house.

"Woah!" I fell and Coraline caught me.

"You're supposed to jump, silly." She smiled.

I felt a little embarassed and doubtfully abided.

It was indeed fun, but if course, I wouldn't admit it.

"Are you smiling?" Cory gave a gasp.


"Your lips a turned up. That sure looks like a smile to me." She said as I watched her do flawless flips through the use of gravity.

" I'm thinking about stabbing you......."

"Would that be fun?" she teased.

"It might......" I played along.


I actually never had so much fun in my life.

The rollercoasters.......

The booths.........

It all taught me.how to act like a child again.

We leaned over the wooden beams.

"Dami...." Cory said as her brown ponytails blew lightly in the wind.


She looked down, her thick fringed eyelashes beautiful in the flaming sky.

Her eyes landed on me gleaming and green.

"I.......I had fun today." She said.

I smiled.

"So did I."

She leaned in a little and gave me a small peck on the lips.

I furiously blushed.

"Are......you okay?" She raised an eyebrow.


"How was it?"  Cory asked.

"I don't know....." I said.

"You were there." She said in a puzzled manner.

I looked at her. In response, I whirled her around and kissed her back.

She was dazed, and then melted slowly into my arms.

We broke apart.

"It was wonderful."

The Girl That Changed The Wayne (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now