14. Snapped.

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I held Damian close.

The dungeon was cold and dark and Damian was badly beaten by Joker while they made me sit and watch him suffer.

He was bleeding--and fast.

They had beat me too, part of ny mask chipped from hitting me to a pulp.

"Jason......." Damian moaned.

"Shhhhh........Damian. Everything will be alright." I whispered as I hugged him closer to me.

He started to cry.

"I don't wanna die........Not right now." He sobbed.

I teared up a little.

I never seen him so scared in his life. He was feared, the thirteen year old trained by the demon's Head......

Scared of the Joker.

But I stayed for Damian. I did this for Helena.

I will protect him.

I will do whatever it takes to keep him alive.

"Dami......don't be afraid. We will get out. I promise."

I promise.




I gaped and stared at the tiny bundle of joy in my hands.

"Miss Coraline, that was all the note said. It had said that she was your sister." Alfred said, unaffected.

She had jet black hair and bright silver eyes.

"What will you name her?"

"Marcilene. Marcilene Adams." I said.


"No! They can't be!" I yelled and covered my ears.

No no no!

"I'm sorry, but they were." Tim pulled me into a hug.

My worst fear.

I couldn't lose Jason.......

Especially Damian.

"Who's the cutie?" Stephanie cooed.

"My sister." I said.

"Woah. I didn't know you have a sister." Tim said.

"Neither did I." I frowned and Marcilene smiled.

"Mm." Tim said.

"We will get them back. Just stay here." They went down to the cave.

I sat down and shook violently.

Not Jason......
Or Damian.....

Please not them.


I stared at the two apparent "friends" of Jason.

There was a gloriously beautiful girl, of whom she went by Princess Koriander of Tameran, other wise known as Starfire.

There was also a boy, an eccentric red head with pretty green eyes and went by Roy Harper, and known as Arsenal.

"Mm.....kid, do you know where Jason is?" Roy asked.

I frowned and snapped.

"It's Coraline, and yes! He got captured by the dumbass Joker!" I sobbed a little and sat down.

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