15. Gone

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"Mmrph!" I cried out in pain as Stephanie took out took out the last fragment and placed it on the metal tray.

I felt the string tug at my skin as she began to weave in and out with the needle.

"I'm sorry......" She said suddenly.

"For what?" I turned a little.

"I-I........look at you. You have a shattered shoulder blade and I just took out thirty six scraps of silver out of you." She looked down, her layered golden blonde hair falling over her face.

I pushed her hair out of her face and looked at her.

Stephanie Brown. Always apologizing and feeling empathy for others.

I gently kissed her.

"There is nothing I wouldn't do for you.....or any of us." I said. "It was inevitable. I didn't want to see anyone else hurt." I said.

I turned back around as she cut the string and started to wrap it.

I put on my shirt as she discarded the gloves and bloody insturments.

Then, I heard screaming.

We ran out and saw Dick restraining Coraline, his blue eyes landing on me.

"NO! NO! HE'S NOT! HE'S NOT!" she screamed, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry, Cory......." Tim kneeled down at her.

Alfred put hung his head down in shame.

"What.......what happened?" I asked apprehensively.

Tim looked at the infirmary then at me, and shook his head.

Barbara was crying.


No, not Damian.



I restlessly rolled around in my bed.

Then I heard loud sounds coming from Jason's room.

I decided to go check it out.

I saw Jason in his Red Hood vigilante outfit, with his helmet in hand with a backpack, about to jump out the window.

"Please don't leave." I said softly as tears began to well.

He turned and kneeled down at me.

"I'm sorry Cory....." He said.

I hugged him and sobbed.

"You're all I have left......" I said.

"I can't stay here any longer, baby girl. I've lost too much. Come with me?" He asked.

"N-no.....I can't just leave them.here....." I said.

He kissed my forehead.

"I promise i'll see you, Tigeress. Just take care of the family, ok?" He said as a tear slipped down his cheek.

"Okay." Was the last word.

He stood near the window, and whispered,

"Good bye, Coraline."

"Good bye, Jason."



Earlier at Damian's Funeral.

"Bruce wouldn't have liked this...." I said.

"He didn't like it when when you put up your uniform either, Jason. You were important to him......." Alfred said.

"But this is different, Alfred. This is Batman's son. I was just another Robin......."

I saw tears well from Alfred's eyes.

"That's your problem Jason. That's all you saw yourself as. Another Robin. Like I said, you were much as a son as Damian was." He paused and put his face in his hands and started to cry. "Oh god.......he was so young."

I felt bad. Bruce....Helena.....now Damian? I just couldn't.....

I put a hand on his shoulder.

"Look Alfred......have some tea or something....I don't know. Just get some rest, okay?" I said.

I didn't know what to say. I've never seen Alfred cry in his life.


Check out the whole series:

The girl with the half brother Robin

The girl that changed the Wayne

The devilish gal that teamed up with the outlaws

The Girl That Changed The Wayne (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now