4. Place

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One Month Later.

"Damian? Please get out of bed." Coraline begged.

"Cory......please go away," I begged.

I couldn't live with myself after killing that thug.

I feel like i've failed my father. What would he say now?

"It wasn't your fault......" she said.

We had told Coraline about our secret identities. As she promised to keep them, she also told us that she was Nix. Surprised, we welcomed her to the latest edition of the Bat family.

I heard the lock turn.

"Huh?" I said.

I specifically remember locking it. She lock picked it.

I groaned. "Please Cory, leave me alone."

I buried my face in the pillow as I felt her lay next to me.

"I can't. Everyone including Helena has tried to go through with you." She pushed my hair back. "Dami, you gotta let this go. Please."

"I can't! Look, its not just easy to let things go! I've failed Bruce! I broke his promise! So please, JUST. LEAVE. ME. ALONE." I exploded.

She sat up and said, "O-okay." Coraline's face looked as if she was about to cry.

"W-wait, Cory--" she slammed the door behind her.

I shoved my face into the pillow.




Now i've shoved away my best friend.

Good job, Damian.

Good Job.



"What an ass." I said as I shut Damian's door.

He couldn't hear me out for just one second.

Dick walked out of his room.

"So how'd it go?" he said in his cheerful perky way.

"Your brother's an ass." I said as I walked away.

I plopped down on the couch and layed down there

Helena, Jason, Tim, Steph, and Barbs were there.

"Miss Coraline, may I ask what is wrong?" Alfred said.

I covered my face and started crying.

Why am I this sensitive?

Jason walked up to me and sat down at the edge of the chair.

Even though it was one month, it was the brother I never had. He treated me like a little sister.

"What's wrong, kiddo?" he asked.

"Dami......" I said in a small voice.

"The kid just needs some space, hun. That's all." Jason said.

"But he keeps blaming it on himself even though it was never his fault!" I said.

" I know. I know. Like I said, Damian just needs some space. He'll slowly unravel when he's ready." Jason caught me in a half arm hug.

"Ok...." I said.

He let go.

"Hey sweetie, do me a favor and keep smiling, yeah?" He grinned.

The Girl That Changed The Wayne (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now