7. Doubt

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I bit my lip and avoided Damian's glance as much as possible as I geared up.

Alfred's eyebrow was raised as he strapped my cast off.

I shrugged and smiled.

I slowly put on the other boot and slipped my hood on.

Oh Damian.

My dream has come true.


I flawlessly flipped off the building and rolled onto another one in spite of impact.

Tim followed behind me, in.his Red Robin costume.

He looked at me in a questionable manner.

"So......" he cleared his throat. "What happened with you and Damian?" He asked nonchalantly as he eyed the group of Quinnets below.

I blushed. Luckily, my hood shaded my face.

"Nothing....." I trailed.

He looked at me and raised and eyebrow.

Tim was pressuring me to spit it all out. He knew that my weakness was exactly this, to keep a strong will.

"Seriously. Nothing!" I cracked a smile and blushed deeper.

"Uh huh. That's what they all say."

I punched his arm.

He looked annoyed.

"If nothing happened, are you blushing and punching me?" Tim shook off his arm.

So he had caught my blush.

"Mmmmm......because." I looked to the left and averted my eyes.

Tim's eyes suddenly.became wide.

"YOU KISSED HIM!" He exploded and pointed at me, with the biggest grin on his face.

"N-no! Wh-what are you talking about?" I stuttered.

Tim rolled over and doubled in laughter.

"Get up, you big lug!" I yelled and kicked him.

He was completely oblivious to my force.

"Oh man, wait till Alfred hears about this!" He wiped a tear off his face.

I flipped him.over and landed on top of him.

"Oof!" he said as I landed directly on his torso.

"You will not tell ANYBODY about this! You hear me?" I said in a dangerous voice.

He lay there nonchalantly and had a.bored expression on.his face.

"And.....why should I be afraid if a thirteen year old gal?" He crossed his arms.

" Cause I know where you sleep and partially because I was trained by people who taught me to kill." 

Tim snorted.

I got off of him.

"Wait till Dick hears about this!" He teased.

I whipped my head around.

"You wouldn't!" I yelled.

"Oh I so would."

I tackled him.to the ground



"Hahahahaa!" Dick said as Helena pulled me back as I tried to stab him with a knife.

" Aww...wittle Dami kissed Corwy!" Dick made sickening kissing sounds.

"Damn it Grayson! I will murder you!" I snarled.


"Damian, i'll let you go if you promise not to kill Dick." Helena said as I exterted great force to get to him.

"I promise." I muttered.

"Damian....." Helena said and squeezed my arms, shaking me a little.

"I promise." I said firmly and loudly.

"Good."  she slowly released me.

See, the thing is.....

I'm not good with promises.

Then, I lunged for his throat.


Alfred tsk tsked as he wrapped up Tim and Dick.

"Master Tim and Master Dick.....may I advise you not to agrivate the children?" he said exasperatedly.

"We're not children." I snapped.

Alfred sighed. "Very well, Master Damian."

I had my hand around Cory's waist. I saw Tim make stupid expressions at the corner of my eye.

Helena was nonchalantly leaning against the table, back into a casual outfit with Jason next to her.

She winked.

Stephanie was talking quietly with Barbs. They smiled.

At least the girls and Jason were reassuring me. Tim and Dick were just acting like idiots.

"Ah, very well. Please do not agrivate Miss Coraline as well." Alfred said as he gathered his medical supplies and walked away.

"Yes, Alfred." They said like obidient children.

I made a disgusted expression.

Cory wiggled out of my grasp and walked out of the cave.

"What happened with her?" Tim said as she pushed past him.

"I don't know....." I slowly followed her.

She was in my room, in pajamas leaning outside the terrace.

Her brown.hair blew slowly and shimmered in the light.

I put a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Cory....." I said.

She looked at me and blurted out, "Do you think we're right for each other?"

I tentively put a hand on her cheek.

"Of course. We're perfect."

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