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Unknown number: Hi Louis. :)

Louis: Hey Stranger, how are you? :)

Unknown number: Um honestly, I'm not doing too well...

Louis: Talk to me please. I don't want anything to happen to you.

Unknown number: Well... I don't know where to start...

Louis: Come on, you can tell me Stranger.

Unknown number: Well first I think you have a right to know my name.

Louis: Really? You don't have to.

Unknown number: We've been talking for a few days. You really seemed concerned but if it's not true then I'll just be played as a fool again.

Unknown number: My name's Zayn.

Louis: That sounds really nice. Hi Zayn.

Zayn: Hi Louis :)

Louis: :)

Louis: So what's been going on with you?

Zayn: Well my friend Josh, I've been telling him everything. So I had just gotten with this girl. But just like the others, she was only dared to date me. So she took me to a party and the guys that always bullied me, jumped me. :(

Louis: Oh my gosh Zayn... I'm so sorry...

Zayn: It's okay... I've accepted the fact that the only thing anybody wants from me is sex. So I've locked myself in my room.

Louis: Zayn I barely know you but you are worth so much more. Just because a couple people can't see how much you're worth doesn't mean you should just give up.

Louis: I've only talked to you for a couple days but I can tell you're actually a great guy.

Zayn: Thanks Louis... That means so much. Nobody seems to understand me or anything I do.

Louis: I'm your friend okay? Let me know if anything ever bothers you and I'll do my best to help you..

Zayn: Thanks. Hey Louis I have to go. Homework awaits me.

Lou: Yeah same. I'll talk to you later okay?

Zayn: Yeah. Bye.

Louis: Bye.


Hope you liked it!

ΔIt All Started With A TextΔ Zouis MaliksonWhere stories live. Discover now