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Louis: Hey Zayn.

Zayn: Hey Louis. Are you free now?

Louis: Yeah, what's up?

Zayn: So are you in school like... Idk....

Louis: Yeah I'm a senior in high school. Yourself?

Zayn: I'm a junior...

Louis: That's awesome!

Zayn: Really?

Louis: Yeah really.

Zayn: Thanks Lou. You make me feel so much better about myself.

Louis: That's my goal. You're worth it.

Zayn: Thanks. Oh and I guess I owe you a picture.

Louis: Yes you do. I'm waiting.

Zayn: Haha, alright. Here.

Zayn: (image attached)
Louis: That you do.

Zayn: Okay, one sec.

Louis: Okay

Zayn: (image attached)

Zayn: Sorry I look like shit.

Louis: No you look perfect.

Louis: I mean...

Zayn: No it's okay. Thanks for the compliment.

Louis: No problem.

Louis: I have a question though.

Zayn: Yeah?

Louis: What do you like to do for fun?

Zayn: Well since I like being by myself, I like to sing and listen to music. Oh and I draw... A lot.

Louis: You should send me some drawings one day.

Zayn: Haha, I will :)

Louis: Great. :)

Zayn: Louis I'm sorry to cut this short but I need to go.

Louis: Is everything okay?

Zayn: Bye Louis.

Louis: Zayn?

Louis: Zayn!

Louis: Okay... Bye then.

Louis looked at his phone for another moment before putting it on his bed. He was really worried about his friend but he was unable to do anything.

He sighed and took a shower. Once out, he wrapped a towel around his waist and let it hang lowly on his hips. He went to go look at his clothes and settled for some sweatpants and a shirt.

He looked at his phone, hoping another text would come from his friend. But it never did. He sighed and laid across the foot of his bed.
Hope you liked it

Again sorry it's short. A thousand words are hard. Lol

Thanks for reading.

ΔIt All Started With A TextΔ Zouis MaliksonWhere stories live. Discover now