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Louis woke up to his alarm blaring. He groaned remembering he had school. He threw his legs over the side of the bed then got and went to the bathroom. He took a shower and heard his phone. He got out of the shower then went to get his phone, so he sat on his bed in a towel with his hair still damp.

It was Zayn and he smiled.

Zayn: Good morning Louis. :)

Louis: Good morning Zayn. :) How are you feeling today?

Zayn: I'm still in some pain to be honest... But I'm alright for the most part.

Louis: Zayn... I want to visit you.

Zayn: Wait... But why?

Louis: Zayn... We've never seen each other in person... I want to talk to you face to face. I want to give you and tell you everything will be okay.

Zayn: Louis...

Louis: Please Zayn. You're my best friend... At least let us facetime?

Zayn: Okay Louis. Fine... We can facetime but prepare yourself. Half my face is wrapped up.

Louis: I don't care. I just want to see you.

Zayn: Alright. Give me a second. I'll call you.

Louis: Okay.

Louis stayed sat down then heard his mum call him. He decided to use his sick day that his mum allows him twice a year to stay home and talk with his best friend.

"Mum I'm staying home today. My friend really needs me right now." he called and his mother sighed.

"Fine Louis. One day down. Have a good day, I'll see you after work." His mum called then left for work.

Louis sighed then went to get dressed in some jogger pants but left his shirt off.

Just then his phone rang and he accepted the call. He was soon looking at the face of a young lad with olive skin. With a white bandaged on half his face.

"Zayn?" Louis said softly.

"Hi... Louis?" Zayn responded with a nod and a curious look.

Louis looked at his friend. He looked amazing. His friend looked at him, feeling the same way for him.

Louis broke out a small smile.

"Hi, it's great to finally see you Zayn. I missed you so much and it's crazy I never saw you around.

"I feel the same Louis. You're cuter in person." he said with a little laugh.

Louis blushed.

"Thanks. Can I be honest though?" Louis asked the raven haired lad.

"Always. I like honesty. Even though sometimes the truth hurts." Zayn replied his voice dropping into a sad one.

Louis felt his heart yearn to comfort him and he became sad himself a bit.

"Zayn from what you've showed me, I'm pretty sure you're pretty cute yourself. Well hot. But that's besides the point. Why can't I visit you?" Louis asked his friend sadly.

Zayn sighed and shifted a bit in his bed.

"I'm uncomfortable. I wanted to make sure you were real. I've told you some of my darkest secrets and you've helped me through my darkest times. I just wanted to make sure that you were a real person I can put my trust in." he replied to him.

Louis felt his eyes tear up.

"I want to be therewith you Zayn. I want to hug you and just letting you know that I'm here..." He admitted.

"I like you Louis, a lot honestly but I don't think I'm ready to put forth any effort in any kind of relationship." Zayn spoke, leaving Louis somewhat baffled.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"I mean Louis... I want to be with you more than just friends. You've been so kind to me and I felt like I had a reason to live. I was so close to giving up that day we first texted each other. But I'm not any good with that kind of thing... I don't want to hurt anyone and I don't want anyone to hurt me anymore. I have to go. I'll call you later." Zayn said, getting ready to end the call.

"Wait!" Louis said but it was too late he had already ended it.

Louis feel back onto his bed and sighed softly. He was really sad and he wanted to talk to him again. He wanted to admit his feelings for him That he just realized himself.

He sighed heavily and just texted him.

Louis: Zayn I love you.

He turned his phone off and threw it at the wall, shattering the screen. Her curled up in a tight ball then shook with tears.

He didn't quite understand why he was crying, all he knew was that he had some very strong feelings towards Zayn.

Little did he know fate was about to choose a side.

ΔIt All Started With A TextΔ Zouis MaliksonWhere stories live. Discover now