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Louis was laying in his hospital room, getting his treatment and reading. Zayn opened the door and had some food.

"Hey babe." Zayn said and Louis looked up then smiled.

"Hey Zee babe. What's up?" He asked.

"Well... I wanted to see you. Im being sent to a psychiatric hospital. So I won't be able to come visit you that often." Zayn replied and looked down, really sad.

Louis looked at him.

"Y-you can't leave me here by myself... who will I have to cuddle with and talk to? And love on?" Louis said, setting his book down.

Zayn began to tear up.

"I tried to fight them Lou... but I couldn't win against them. I don't want to leave you but I ultimately have no choice. I would love to stay here with you." Zayn replied and set their food down.

Louis nodded and motioned him over. Zayn went over and they hugged and kissed. They just savored this moment with each other, knowing this was going to be a very trying time for them both.

"You know the first time we ever contacted each other? The very first time after the mistake?" Louis asked and Zayn nodded.

"You were so persistent and you would not give up on me no matter how hard I tried to avoid the situation." Zayn replied with a smile.

"Will you be able to have your phone?" Louis asked.

"I don't know, I didn't ask. But I know what you're getting at. We were talking for months before we actually met one another for the very first time." Zayn said.

"We'll get through all this... won't we?" Louis asked.

"Yes, yes we will.... it's weird..." Zayn said and Louis looked at him.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"How you used to be the one that always comforted me and now here I am comforting you."

Louis thought for a moment then smiled some.

"You're right. The comforter became the comfortee." Louis said and chuckled some.

They spent the night and cuddled. The did that until Zayn had to go to the place. Louis laid back on his bed and sighed. He was going to go through the treatments alone and Zayn was going to go through the place there. It saddened him but he knew he had to get through this so he could be with him.

Louis laid back and soon fell asleep. Zayn on the other hand, he got to his room at the hospital. He didn't want to let his depression get him down but being here without the love of his life, pained him. He wanted to be back with him and he knew that the only way he could, was if he cleaned up his act.

He sat in the small room. It had a twin sized bed and a desk. As well as a chair at the desk and an extra chair against the wall, next to the door. He shivered at the thought of being here. But he set his things down and talked with a nurse.

Alright and that was the end of this chapter! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I'm sorry if it sucked and I'll try to do better next time. Image been lacking in some updates but I promise you I'm trying. Anyway I would love to hear your opinions on this story. Not harsh opinions but like if you don't like it, tell me why. And if you do, tell me why. I want to make this book as interesting as possible and if that means throwing in goblins and demons as well as hogwarts I will. Lol just kidding. Anyway I hoped you all enjoyed bye bye now!

ΔIt All Started With A TextΔ Zouis MaliksonWhere stories live. Discover now