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Without knowing, Louis had woken up and rubbed his eyes. He looked at his phone and realized it was 5 in the morning. He sighed, he never got a message back from his new friend and he bit his lip. He hoped that he was okay.

He got up and got ready for school. Once done, he went to get himself some breakfast and he glanced at his phone every now and then. When he saw nothing come in, he decided to message Zayn first.

Louis: Hey Zayn, are you alright? Please get back to me as soon as you can, I'm worried about you.

He looked over his text then sent it and left for school.

*Time Skip*

The whole day went by and Louis never got a message back from him. He didn't know what to do. Normally Zayn would message him back. Louis was absolutely terrified of what could happen to Zayn.

The rest of the day went by and he received nothing. So he did his homework and went out with his friends to try and get his mind off the situation. But there was no way he could keep his hand from not texting a boy that he barely knew but trusted enough to tell everything to.

Louis: Zayn, hey I miss you :(

Louis: Where have you gone?

Louis: Have I annoyed you? I'm sorry if I have.

Louis: I'm really worried about you.

Louis: Are you okay?

Louis: Please answer.

After the last text, he stopped and went on with his day.

"Louis, are you okay?" his friend Sebastian asked as Louis was just thinking of what might be going on with Zayn.

Louis snapped out of his thoughts and looked over at his friend.

"I'm fine mate..." he lied smoothly through his teeth.

His friend stared at him for a moment longer then just shrugged and went on about his business.

*That Night*

Louis was sitting up in his room, he was working on a collage when suddenly his phone went off. It was about 11PM and he grabbed it. His eyes started to water when he saw the text.

Zayn: Hey Louis. I'm sorry, my phone was taken away.

Louis: It's alright mate but are you okay?

Zayn: No not really, I'm sitting in a hospital room.

Louis: What happened?

Zayn: Well first my parents, then I had to fight a group of guys. I managed to take out a couple of them before they got me down though. 

Louis: Zayn, I'm so sorry. I wish I could be there with you.

Zayn: I wish you could too. I'm alone in this place. I always am no matter what. If I was to die today nobody would show up.

Louis: I would... But don't think like that, you are worth more than diamonds and gold.

Zayn: Thanks Louis... I don't know what I would have done without you.

Zayn: Actually, yes I would have.

Louis: Do I even want to know?

Zayn: No, I wouldn't tell you anyway. Even though you are pretty much my only friend, I'm not really comfortable with telling you what goes through my mind. It's a really dark place.

Louis: I'll wait forever if I have to.

Zayn: Haha, you just made me smile a bit.

Louis: That's my goal. To make you happy.

Zayn: ... Being happy is scary

Louis: Being happy can unlock a lot of things for you Zayn. I promise if I make you happy it won't be at a cost. You're like my best friend and you have so much ahead of you. I'll help you. I promise.

Zayn: You can't break that promise Louis... I'm investing the rest of myself to you... Please don't hurt me.

Louis: Never intentionally. That's the last thing I ever want to do. We'll help each other.

Zayn: Forever?

Louis: Forever.

Zayn: :) Now you get some sleep I'll talk to you later on

Louis looked at the last text he had sent him and smiled. He laid on his bed and his eyes closed immediately. He was happy to know that his friend was in better hands. But he also found himself falling for him. He sighed. He hoped things could work out for the best.


Here you are, sorry for the long wait. I've been trying to update, but I couldn't think. Anyway I hoped you liked it and I think this one just might be a tad longer than my other chapters. I hope you guys liked this one. 

I hope you all had a fantastic break if you have breaks and a happy new year. Hopefully 2016 brings good to you all. I love you all so much and I will talk to you all next time. Bye :)

ΔIt All Started With A TextΔ Zouis MaliksonWhere stories live. Discover now