Fun Fact #1

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Hey guys!

It's been awhile, but here's another "extra" of the book.

Fun Fact:

This book was originally suppose to be a vampire book.

When I wrote this, there was so much hype with vampires, that I tried to take a bite at it.

So remember when Kaiya went through the "change"? Well actually she was suppose to get bit by Alex in the beginning of the book before she even met him.

Basically Kaiya was walking through the park alone, and it was nighttime, so she got bit by a vampire (Alex), but she didn't see it was him. Plus she wasn't gonna remember about the inicident. Only small details.

And then afterward she meets Alex and basically, with some minor or even some major detail changes, she finds out she's a vampire.

But obviously no power with the sun.

There's fun fact #1.

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