Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

It was 7:02 when the sun set. I wrote it down in my journal. I don’t know why I do. Ever since I was a toddler, I always needed to know when the sun rose and when it set. No matter what happened I needed to know. It felt like the sun was apart of me. I felt like the sun. I rise up and try to start the day shining kindness throughout everyone I see and know. And when it rains, I do seem kinda down, but just like the sun I try my best to shine through.


I turned around to see Alex in a tank top and pajama shorts.


“I hope you’re feeling comfortable here. My mom is coming home soon with pizza if you’re hungry but I’m guessing you can eat your secret stash while she gets here. My mini-fridge is by the closet if you want to put your soda there.” He smirked.

I threw a pillow at him. “Thanks. And hey. It’s not secret. It’s just I don’t share it as much. Eating is life.” I said while I put the soda in the fridge.

“Well...would you share it with me?”

He sat down next to me on the bed, and looked at me with his dark brown eyes. My stomach was having fireworks and a million butterflies. How can I turn down such a beautiful person?

“Wellllll……” I dragged on. “Because you’re you,” and because he’s hot and I swear I’m falling head over heels for a guy I met only yesterday, “yeah I’ll share with you. Well one Oreo and a bag of Cheez-Its.”

Alex smiled, proud of what he has done to get food being hot and all that stuff, proudly took the snacks he has won.

He turned on the T.V. and put on an episode of SpongeBob. I love SpongeBob and I knew what episode it was without looking up at the T.V. It was when SpongeBob met the strangler. I didn’t notice I was saying word from word the episode until Alex said something.

“Um. Kaiya?”


“Do you notice you’re practically saying the whole episode?”

I blushed and smiled. “Sorry. SpongeBob is kinda my thing.”

“I see that.”

The doorbell rang and Alex went to see who it was from the window.

“It’s my Mom. She has the pizza.”

Once he said the words “My Mom” it felt like I was about to vomit. My stomach started to have butterflies, something I’m starting to get use to. I mean it’s been doing that a lot ever since I’ve met the guy.

“Hey. Don’t be so nervous. My mom is like a best friend to me. She’s not really like a mom.” Alex said.

He ran downstairs and I followed him. He opened the door and a woman came in with three pizza boxes. I couldn’t see her face but the way her hair swayed and the way her hair were in curls, I knew she was beautiful. I see where Alex genes came in.

“Alright kids. Pizza is here and is now officially time to party.”

She turned on the radio and “Problem” by Ariana Grande started to blast. She finally turned around and I saw her face. Like I predicted, she was beautiful. Her eyes were a dark brown just like Alex and her hair color a jet black. Her face seemed smooth and looked like a twenty-year-old’s face.

“Well hello. You must be the beautiful well-known Kaiya, Alex has told me a lot about you.” She winked at Alex and he blushed. That was the first time I’ve ever seen him blush. And it was the cutest thing ever.

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