Chapter Ten

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I put back the books in the bookshelf, and the ring back on my dresser. I took a quick look at my room, before turning off the light, and closing the door. I ran back downstairs to see Alex in the kitchen. He was admiring something on the counter. 

"What are you looking at?"

He turned around, and showed me a paper. It had writing on it.

"I can't understand what that says. It's not English..."

"It's Spanish." I told him. 

I took the paper out of his hands. The paper was rough. Almost like an ancient scroll. I read:

"No entiendo por qué estoy escribiendo esto. No debería estar escribiendo esto. Pero esto es por tu propio bien. Es bueno saber que no eres el único aquí en este mundo. Yo estaba una vez que. Ahora trabajo para proteger a los demás de que era una vez yo. Esta es la misma persona que llegó a su casa por última vez. Hago esto cada vez para comprobar para arriba en usted, y asegúrese de que estás a salvo. Asegúrese de que usted no está herido. Esperemos que su Protector está completando su trabajo, y no dejar que los demás lleguen a usted en primer lugar. Esperemos que él es asegurarse de que están a salvo. Le deseo suerte en su búsqueda del Protector. Usted es joven, pero está bien. Eres lo mejor que tenemos. Y le deseo suerte en transformarse en lo que eres." 

"Um, what does that mean?" Alex asked.

"It basically said that this person shouldn't be writing this, but he works to protect others that are just like him or her. He or Her came to see if I was fine, and he or she hopes that my protector is completing his job, and he or she wishes me good luck in becoming what I am."

I stood there re-reading what was written. So this person has been watching me. And apparently knows what I am. Or what I'm going to become. And this person knows who my Protector is. 

Why do I need a Protector?

Who is my Protector?

"Alex? I'm confused. What the hell is going on?"

He didn't respond. 

"Listen. Just go on to your house. I'm taking this upstairs."

I took the paper up to my room, closed the door, and ran back downstairs. I went out, closed the front door, and made sure the door was locked. I went back to Alex's house. His door was open. I walked in, and made my way upstairs to Alex's room. I opened the door to see Jacob and Aimee. 

Making out.

Very intensely.

I closed the door immediately. I don't even think they heard me. I ran downstairs to the kitchen to get  myself some water. My head was pounding, and I felt like my blood was pumping out of my heart way too fast. Everything was turning around fast. I grabbed on to the table, trying to catch my balance, but I failed. I didn't understand what was going on. But I did know, my body and head was hurting. 

"H-Help! Mayah!" I tried to scream. But it was said faintly. I hardly heard myself say it. I went on all fours, and crawled to the living room. Alex, Mayah, and Alexander were watching T.V. and laughing. 

"Alex...I don't feel well..." I whispered.

I don't know how he heard me, but he did. When he saw me, he looked worried. Almost scared. 

"Kaiya! Breathe Kaiya! Breathe!" He screamed at me. I followed his instructions, but it didn't help. I felt my eyes roll back.

More than once. 

"Alex...I don't know what's wrong with me." 

"It's normal okay. It deals with the change."

Mayah and Alexander looked at him confused, but it was normal to Alex. I should've been confused too, but hearing him say that made me feel like I understood what he said. I was changing. 

Why was I changing? I don't know.

What was I changing into? I don't know. 

Shit. What the hell was I changing into?

"WHAT AM I CHANGING INTO !" I screamed at him. 

He didn't respond. 

I noticed my cheeks were stained with tears. Everything was spinning. Everything was turning into a blur. My mind was speeding up so fast, it hurt. Hurting way more than it did before. I felt like a ribbon falling onto the ground. My skin felt like it was crawling. My eyes rolled back into my eyes, but they didn't come back out. I felt like I falling into a black hole. The room disappeared. I felled into an involuntary sleep. Blackness, Complete blackness is what I saw. 

*Short, but sweet. Vote and Comment. And follow. Peace and Love.*

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