Chapter Twelve

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Months Later...

I opened my eyes. I didn't know where I was. This place didn't look familiar to me att all. I looked around, and I guessed I was in some basement or attic. I felt like I've been sleeping for days. My body was sore. My arms and legs were numb. My face was pumping with blood. I tried to move my hands, but I saw they were tied up. I was sitting down in a chair. I looked down at myself, and saw my clothes were barely on. I tried to untie myself, or loosen the knot, but it was no use. I heard a door open up, and a light started to shine. The light showed the stairs. I heard someone coming down the stairs. 

"Hello?!" I screamed. "Where am I?!" 

"You're finally up." 

I knew that voice from anywhere. 


My head started to pound with pain, while I started to remember what happened. Xavier injected me with some liquid. 

But why?

"What the fuck Xavier?! Explain yourself!" 

He was at the end of the steps, and just smiled. 

This boy was crazy. 

"Calm down baby. Everything is gonna be okay." He went towards me, and kissed me. I kept my mouth shut. There was no way in hell I was kissing that boy.

"Just untie me."

"Promise you won't run?"

"You'll be lucky if I don't punch you in your face."

He untied me, holding down my hands, so I wouldn't hit him. He was a smart boy, but why the hell did he take me away? What did he want with me?

"I don't understand. Why did you take me? What the hell is your problem?!"

"I need you Kaiya. Don't you understand? I told you, you were mine. You're something people can't imagine. Just think about how our kids could turn out. Think about the life you can live, now that you have these powers."

Kids?! What the hell is wrong with boy? My life is gonna be torture if I stay in the same room with him.

"But you? You didn't have to kidnap me, you idiot!"

"Oh but I did. Because i know after what happened, you would go back to Alex, and forget about me. And not only that, I needed some quick cash." 

He let go of me.

I smacked the hell out of him.

"Quick cash?! You didn't..."

"I'm sorry. They said if I can keep you, secluded, then I can keep you."

"I'm not a worthless toy you dumb shit!"

"You aren't. But you're still mine."

I shook my head. I didn't know what to say. What to do. What to feel. I started to feel light-headed, my eyes wide. I started to breathe in short gasps. My body started to tremble with fear. These people want me to hurt me. These people want to possibly kill me, for god sakes. And they brainwashed Xavier to think that he could be mine. 

"If you loved me, you wouldn't do this! You wouldn't do try to sell me off! THEY ARE GOING TO KILL ME YOU DIPSHIT!"

He stood quiet, but smiling.

"Why are you smiling?....My freaking head hurts man....What's today?"

"November 15th."


Yesterday was June 1st. I mean I only could've been sleeping for a few days.  How the hell.....?

"What do you mean? I've been sleeping for days I think."

"Months actually. That blue thing was pretty strong." He said correcting me. "Follow me."

He started to go upstairs. I followed him, since I had no choice. We got upstairs to the first floor I'm guessing. I wondered where we were. The house seemed to be pretty big. I saw a door, but I didn't want to take a run for it. What if they had guards or something waiting for to kill me? Or some laser beams for security reasons? I mean anything is possible. 

"Where are we going?" 

He didn't answer me. I said it again, but louder. 


He turned around, back slapping me. 

"Shut up already! You'll see when you get there!" 

I stood there dazed. This boy just touched me. He just touched my face. He just slapped me. I looked around, seeing if there was another door I can go to. Xavier started to walk upstairs, not looking back to see if I was following him. I ran back towards where we came from, cause I remembered a door near the basement. I went through that door, and I ended up in some type of hallway. There were many doors in this hallway. I didn't know which one to choose, so I just chose the one to my right.

I went inside to see an office. The office was pretty big. There was another door leading somewhere, probably to the other room on the right. There were folders everywhere, and books everywhere. I looked inside the folders to see everything about me, basically my whole life story.

My name, date of birth, my parents, the school I attended....Basically my whole biography. 

I heard the door handle turn. 

I dropped the folders, and I ran to the second door.


I quickly ran to the closet, and went inside. The door opened right then and there. 

"You must find that girl! We need her! The machine should be finished by the time we find that legend." It was a man's voice clearly. Whoever he was, he sounded old, and wise, but obviously evil. But the thing is, this man sounded familiar.

I heard papers being scattered across. His hands slammed on top of his desk. The door opened once more.

"Sir, she is no where to be found. We checked..."

The man started to choke, almost as if he was being strangled. I looked in between the crack in the closet, to see the man in the air, trying to breathe. The evil man was choking him, without using his hands.

"FIND HER!" He shouted at him. He let him go, the poor boy gasping for air, as he fell on the ground. Then he evil man got quiet.

"The closet. Check the closet."

Shit. shit, shit, shit, shit. 

I saw the boy come closer to the closet, and looked inside the crack. 

"If she's there cover her eyes. She cannot see me."

I wondered why. 

I decided to accept my fate, and wait for him to open the closet. 

He opened the closet, his eyes gleaming with happiness. He wouldn't have to go through anymore torture, but I would. 

He grabbed me by my waist, while I tried to punch and kick him. I bit his shoulder, making him scream in pain. He released me, giving me time. I kicked him in his private part, and punched him. Still he managed to cover my eyes with a cloth, and drag me to where ever he was gonna take me. I screamed and screamed, but it was no use. No one would care if they heard me. I still screamed, asking the man who he was. What he wanted with me. I felt myself being dragged down a hallway, I think, still screaming my ears off.

I managed to lift the cloth up a little, but only seeing his pants, not his face.

The evil man finally spoke, but in his thoughts.

"That's my girl..." 

*Who do you guys think the man is? Vote and Comment, and if you're not already, go Follow me. I hope you guys are enjoying the story, and I appreciate all the views. Peace and Love.*

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