Chapter Six

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Chapter Six


I skipped down the stairs very happily. What just happened upstairs was ultimately the best thing that could've happened. First of all his abs. Lord Jesus, that is what you call a fire. Oh my! Second of all, that was the first time Alex has ever came that close to me. Well except the time I fell into his arms, but he did it because he had to prevent me from falling. This time he was this close because he wanted to. My body still shivered from him tracing my outline. Did this mean something? I really don't know.

Xavier did the same thing, and look what happened.

But this time...this time was different. I felt a little spark in my body when he did it. But when Alex did it...I don't know. I felt warmth all over my body. Like hot air all over me.


I quickly turned around to see Alex right behind me. I gave him the "Are you kidding me?" look.

"If you were trying to scare me, it didn't work." I folded my arms.

"I wasn't..."

I gave him a look of doubt. "Yeah. Whatever. Now where's the food? I'm starving."

He went to the refrigerator and took out the carton of eggs, and pre-cooked sausages.

"You know how to make eggs?"

"Yeah...why so surprised?"

"The guys that I hang out with only know how to boil eggs. And sometimes they can't even do that right."

"Well I'm different."

Oh yes he was.

He made scrambled eggs, and reheated the sausages in the microwave. It was a pretty chill breakfast. No one spoke. We were in our own thoughts.

Why is she so quiet?

"Huh?" I said to Alex.

He gave me a confused look. "I didn't say anything."

I frowned. "Are you sure? I'm pretty sure I heard something."

He laughed. "It's probably all in your brain. Now c'mon. It's 6:30. We gotta go."

We put the dishes in the sink. When we did that, our hands touched, me immediately starting to blush. He smiled and went upstairs. I really needed to know when to control my blushing.

"Please get me my permission slip while you're up there!!" I yelled.

I was still confused at what happened at the table. I know. I KNOW I'm not crazy. I know I heard Alex say "Why is she so quiet?". It wasn't a figment of my imagination. But it seemed like it because he look as surprised as I did.

"Alright. We got our permission slips. Anything else we did?"

"Did you get my bag? I'm not carrying this."

He shook his head no.

"Really dude?" I sighed, and went upstairs. I looked in my luggage for my knapsack. I freaking love that knapsack. I got from Aeropostale, and I absolutely fell in love with it. It went with my outfit, so I was game. I put my stash in my bag and my juices, just in case I got hungry on the bus.

Wait. What am I talking about? I will get hungry.

I took the bag, and went downstairs.

"Alright. I'm good. We got our permission slips, food, and only 15 minutes to get to the school. Now let's go."

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