Blood Sisters

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"You always find shit funny." I mean mugged my sister .

She giggles . "You're always falling and shit . You're too clumsy."

"I swear." My fiancé , Jermaine , agreed. He harshly squeezes my thigh and I tried my hardest not to show the pain that I was enduring .

He was obviously pissed that I didn't hide the bruise well enough that he caused earlier on my cheek . Makeup seemed to not work on my skin anymore . It was hard to find the best quality makeup that fits my skin tone .

Not to mention the best qualified makeup that could potentially work on me would never be in my possession .

Simply because ..

#1 : Jermaine would not allow me to get a job . He fears that I would find someone else and he say it's the man's duty to provide .

#2 : he doesn't give me money . He doesn't do anything for me . The only time he buys me things is when he brutally beats me . Almost like a apology token . The only money that I have is the small change that I scrap up every once in awhile .

He continued to add pressure onto my thigh causing me to let out miniature whimpers . The tears fought to come out but being with him for three years now , I've became a savage .

But this pain was becoming too much to handle .

"Let me use your bathroom girl." I said a little bit too fast .

Amber laughed . "What the fuck? Go ahead!" She waves me off .

Jermaine shot me a look with a sinister smile . He loosened his grip as I stood from the table . I straightened out my dress before walking away .

I walked down her hallway until I reached the bathroom . I went inside then closed and locked the door .

I sat on the edge of the tub as I raised my dress a little to peep at my aching thigh .

A huge purple and red bruise was there . I accidentally let a tear trail down my cheek . I quickly wiped it away .

I gently touched my thigh but it instantly stung . It began to throb and it felt as if the blood was about to pour from my leg .

I had enough but I can't leave .

I know he'll change once we say 'I do.' I just know it .

I stood up then smoothed out my dress careful not to rub too hard over my bruise .

I washed my hands then glanced in the mirror . The bruise that was on my left cheek was surely but slowly fading away . It honestly didn't go so well with my fairly even brownskin . I would say the faded bruise that surrounded my right eye is blending in well . My brown eyes gave it confirmation . I took that time and fixed my attire as I felt tears steam in my eyes but I blinked them away . I finger combed through my curly black hair and allowed it to hang a little more . My hair is near waist length but I kept it curly so it may seem that my hair stops at my shoulders .

When we first arrived here , my sister noticed my bruise right away . I told her that I tripped and fell down the stairs then hit my face on the railing .

Of course she believed me . I'm known in the family to be very clumsy but I out grew that a long time ago .

Unfortunately Jermaine got mad because I didn't remind him about Amber wanting to have a little get to together at her place tonight . He just gotten off work and he was extremely tired . So in the results of all that , he pushed me down the stairs .

I built enough courage to walk out the bathroom and into the kitchen .

When I walked in , I noticed Amber nervously jumped back from Jermaine .

They was standing against the counter . Amber sent me a nerve wrecking smile that always told me that she did some shit that she wasn't suppose to do .

Jermaine looked everywhere else but me . So I knew something happened .

"What yall was up to?" I asked as I crossed my arms across my chest .

"No-none girl. Jermaine was just telling me that he's tired ." She stuttered.

"Well let's go." I said nonchalantly.

I grabbed my keys off the counter then walked out of her apartment without saying goodbye .

I went to the car then got in the driver's side . I waited for a couple of minutes until he finally decided to come out but I still waited because they were conversing in her doorway . I sat there and watched them . The sun was beginning to set and oddly in my eyes , the way the sun was glistening off of Jermaine's chocolate skin was quite loving to me . His muscles could be seen through his shirt . I loved everything about him , especially his tattoos that complimented his arms .

Amber played with her fingers as she bit her lip . She began to stand on one leg as the other one was placed behind the other . All the signs told me that she was abnormally nervous .

After a few more minutes , he leaned in and placed a long passionate kiss on her cheek . She immediately turned her attention towards me as her eyes begin to grow wide . I just pretended not to see and begin to fiddle with my keychain .

I started the car as he walked towards the passenger door . As soon as he got in , I drove off .

"Who the fuck you think you are?" He inquires offensively . I could feel his dark brown eyes staring a hole into me .

I didn't respond .

"You can't hear me?" His voice grew louder.

Still , I didn't respond .

He chuckles .

All of a sudden , blood began to fill my mouth .

I didn't even feel when he punched me . I still had my right hand on the steering wheel as I held the other up to my mouth .

"You think you're big and bad now?" He yelled . "Wait till we get home."

Love TrulyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin