Back Again

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6 Months Later

"You know dad wouldn't like if you did this" Hisan voice echoed through the empty room .

"He kept me away from this place since that night mom died . I think it's only right if I take what belongs to me." I said in a duh tone .

I finished packing my deceased mother's jewelry . She left it in her Will that all her precious jewelry belongs to me and the house belonged to Amber . She wanted both of us to have the house but I refused . At the time , I felt that Amber deserved it . My dad been keeping me away from here not allowing me to gather my items .

"Maybe he's upset because you didn't attend her funeral."

"Why would I attend to it when I'm the one who caused this?" I asked curiously .


"Don't Brook me." I interrupted him , "If I would've left Jermaine alone in the first place , none of this shit would've happened ."

"Don't blame yourself for the cause of this."

"But I am! If I should've only listened. I should've known better-"

"He's outside." Arielle burst into the room then ran back out to gather any and everything .

"Let's go." Hisan said as he helped me off the floor .

"Big ass belly." He mumbled .

I playfully hit him upside the head as I chuckled . I looked down at my big belly . I'm indeed pregnant and I'm having a girl . I'm not sure of what I'm naming her . Ill probably dedicate her to my mother .

Just when we escaped through the back door , dad came in through the front .

Hisan carefully locked the door as he watched him from the window .

Arielle grabbed my hand along with the bag as she led me out of the back yard .

"I want to hurry back to my baby. I miss him." I pouted . Last month she gave birth to her son , Fame . Want to know something else ? Hisan is her baby's father .

It was shocking to me but I was happy that I have another nephew even though he's not blood to me . It was also weird that I met her and knew she was pregnant before Hisan knew . I'm not sure of their history together but I know that they love each other .

We sat in the car as we sat and waited on Hisan .

"I was wondering . We should take the kids out to eat or something."

I laughed , " Fame is only a month old . My baby girl isn't here yet and Bracen is about be one next month so how are we gone go out when the babies are still .. babies ?"

"Just a thought." She shrugged .

"What's on your mind Arielle?" Arielle and I gotten extremely close . I can consider her as my sister . Just like Amber , I can feel when there's something on her mind .

"What happened that night? Like -- is Jermaine your baby's father?"

I simply shrugged . I came to realization that a lot of things that I'll usually be upset over -- I just don't care about anymore . I use to cry about everything . I used to stay depressed but now I don't give a fuck . I only care about Bracen and my upcoming baby girl .

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