Blood Is Thicker

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The feeling of heat scanned over my face . What really woke me up was Bracen crying and the heavy smell of sex . I tried to get up but I was held down by a pair of hands wrapped around my naked body . I didn't know at the moment if I wanted to stay in this position or go away but the screams my nephew were evoking made me think other wise .

I didn't even try to ease way my from under his embrace . I roughly yanked his arms from around me .

"The fuck?" He mumbled softly .

I could barely stand because I was sore from the waist down .

I swiftly put on his shirt that stopped above my knees .

I ran into the kitchen to fix Bracen's bottle . When I was done , I rushed into his room . I was shocked to see Marion comforting him . He was rocking him back and forth and singing him a lullaby .

"I didn't know you could sing." I smiled .

He turned and smirked at me . I gave him the bottle and watched him feed Bracen . Seeing him care for him is a beautiful thing . It's like he was practicing fatherhood or something . He began talking to him .

"What are you telling him?"

"It's between me and him . He kind of look like you and that other nigga." His eyebrows furrowed .

"What nigga?" I asked confusingly .

He sighed . I already knew who he was speaking of . That only made me want to figure out more and get my questions answered .

"I'm about to shower." I told him .

He nodded his head as he continued to feed him .


I arrived at the hospital at 10 in the morning . I was tired of carrying Bracen everywhere so I put his lil butt in his stroller that momma had bought him .

I smiled at the receptionist and nurses that were passing by as I was walking to Amber's room . I've heard that she was doing better which is good .

Before I could even reach the room , I could hear yelling coming from inside .

"Amber tell me! We're your family we have the right to know!" I knew that voice from anywhere .

I opened the door and the room became silent . There stood my mother and Cavin . My mom's face was extremely red from tears .

Cavin had a frustrated look on his face and Amber was pallid . I wonder was it from weakness or from embarrassment .

"What's going on?" I asked

My mom just sat down as if she was tired . She placed her face into her hands as she sighed heavily . Cavin began to walk and back forwards . He stopped when he seen Bracen .

"Sup lil man." He said as he unbuckled him from the stroller and held him in his hands . Amber weakly smiled at the sight of her child . I walked over to her and grabbed her hand .

"You good?" I whispered .

She slightly nodded .

"What's going on mom?" I turned to her .

"Amber won't say a word about the baby's father. I'm her mother . I didn't even know that she was pregnant for the first few months so why can't I know about this dead beat ass daddy that she fucked?" She cried .

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