A Weary Night

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"What!" I exclaimed .

I jolted from the bed and was making my way out of the room until Amber pulled me back .

"They tried to rape you?" I tried getting out of her grip but I calmed down when I glanced at her little belly .

"It was so long ago Brooklyn-"

"That doesn't fucking matter! They put their fucking hands on you!" I shouted

"Please calm down-"

"Fuck no!"

My dad and Cavin burst in the room , not caring that they basically broke the door knob .

"What's going on?" My dad asked with furrowed eyes .

Amber's eyes were blood shot red from all the crying and my face was red because I'm furious as fuck!

Soon Antonio and Hisan came through also wondering what was going on . If looks could kill , all three of them would be dead .

"Yall tried to rape my baby sister?" I yelled .

"What the fuck is going on?" My dad yelled .

"Antonio , Hisan , Cavin-"

"Brooklyn stop!" Amber shouted .

"We didn't touch that bitch!" Cavin yelled offensively .

"What the fuck is going on!" My mom began to push everyone out the way .

"What the fuck you got going Amber?" Hisan yelled .

"You lying and shit?" Antonio spat .

"What she got to lie for?" I stood up for her .

"She was the one tryna hop on my dick!" Hisan shouted . His tall frame made him even more scarier looking .

"What the actual fuck is going on?" My mom yelled . Ain't no way he just said that .

"Did yall rape her?" I asked calmly

"No!" They said in unison .

I turned to face Amber and she had a blank facial expression .

"She tried to have sex with me! She was out of her mind . I was grown as fuck! Who the fuck I look like having sex with a 15 year old ." Hisan blurted .

"You're lying!" She cried .

Next thing I know , dad pushed Hisan against the wall . They were the same height but my dad is buffer than Hisan .

"You tried to touch my little girl!" He said through gritted teeth.

"Hell no! I would never do some shit like that!" He tried to escape my dad's grip but it was no use .

"Let him go pops!" Cavin tried to loosen dad's grip off of Hisan .

I guess the pressure got too much for Amber . She ran out of the room leaving the chaos behind .

"Get the fuck out of my house!" My mom yelled , "All of you! Get out!"

Without hesitation , I stormed away . I walked out the house not once looking back .

I started walking on the side walk . I have no clue of where I'm going . I just need some time alone .


"Look what you did!" I yelled . "I didn't even think about Hisan!" I was frustrated with my self . What transpired a couple of years ago broke me to pieces and even to this day I know who I want to carry my heart .

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