Secrets ~ Part Two

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I woke up bright and early because Fame was throwing a fit . It was time to feed him .

"Well good morning." Mr.Limpsey cheered . I allowed him to stay over so he can watch over Marion because I refuse to be his nurse .

"Good morning." I smiled .

"Ya mind if I cook some breakfast?"

"Nah I don't mind." I said as I readjusted Fame in my arms .

"You know something?"


"You need a bigger place. You have your nephew to take care for including your baby girl and I see you'll have to watch Flame once in awhile."

"It's Fame." I chuckled .

"What type of name is Fame?" He scrunched his face .

"What's wrong with Fame?" I asked offensively .

"I don't know you tell me." He shrugs .

I laughed , "There's nothing wrong with his name . It's unique ."

"And weird." He added .

"Aye . I named him and his mother likes it." I said .

"Y'all crazy as hell . That mane gone get bullied ."

"And if he do then he'll be able to defend himself."

"Why would you do that?" He shook his head .

"Anyways , it's cute and it fits him." I roll my eyes .

"Yea . Whatever but anyways , we need to get you a bigger house."

"No , I can handle this . My mom left me some money . I can get my own house."

"Well then you need to hurry because you don't have long until that baby pops."

I laughed .

"What will you name her?"

"I'm not sure." I said as I began to burp Fame .

"I think it'll be nice if you have her name corresponding to yours and Bracen's." He suggested .

"Hmm." I meditated . That would be a good idea .

I soon heard little feet hitting against the hard wood floor . I turned around and seen Bracen standing on his own two feet .

"How the -"

Mr. Limpsey laughed , "I forgot to tell you . Bracen started walking last night well earlier this morning."

"You're lying." I gasped .

"Bracen come here!" I cheesed .

He laughed as he ran to me . I can tell that he's going to be a track star .

"Dude , you're walking!" I cheered .

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