Oh, Thor Almighty

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Note* Sorry about how late this chapter is guys. Due to writers block and just life in general, I haven't had much of a chance to write or update. I have however been thinking about where I wanted this story to go, so I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Chapter Six:

                                                                                    Oh, Thor Almighty

Natasha crouched down in the water, trying to keep her breathing and words as quiet as possible. She had attempted to speak to her friends above ground and alert them of her progress, but she found the signal blocked. Now she had only one other option and that was trying to contact Steve, Tony, and Clint themselves down here in the tunnels and if that failed, well, she would just have to try to find them herself physically.

"Steve, Tony, Clint...this is Nat, come in?" she asked in the com.

Static met her before it cleared to silence.

"Steve, Tony, Clint, if you can hear me, I am down in the tunnels. Can you read me?"

"Nat-...We...come in?...Babe-...injured...help...dark..." came the broken up words from over the com. Natasha honestly was just relieved to hear anything as she began trying to make out what had possibly been said, but she settled instead for attempting to contact them again.

"I didn't catch that Steve", she said in a whisper, "Say Again?"

"Natasha, we are here, come in? There are lots of baby worms all over the place. Stark and Clint are badly injured, but Stark needs the most help. The tunnels are a labyrinth and with Stark's reactor dimming, the dark is making it near impossible for us to get anywhere."

"I hear you. Is there any way you could tell me where you are or a direction to move in?" she asked.

Clint who had been listening was about to interrupt when a choked sound came from Tony, cutting him off. Stark had also been listening as he came back to consciousness. He couldn't be more relieved to hear Natasha was nearby.

"Tasha..." he whispered out after tapping his com, his energy nearly gone as he struggled to stay awake as he shifted in Cap's arms, "Where did you...come in at?"

"Where Clint originally fell", she answered.

"Okay...if you landed straight down from there and I assume you did...head northeast and you should...find a large dead worm. Follow the worm towards the tail end. We will be...waiting for you there."

"Understood. Natasha out."

The com shut off as Steve glanced down at Stark whose face was sweaty and pale, his hair slicked back with sweat from the rising fever Steve could feel coming from the man.

"How did you know which direction she needed to head?"

"It was the...same area I...fell in. Also...genius here", he huffed with a laugh, "I know direction...even without...Jarvis."

Steve and Clint couldn't help the fond head shakes they gave as they smiled at his arrogant tone, but it made them feel a bit better considering he could still have one even now in this situation they were in.

"So we just wait here for her?" asked Clint as Steve pulled to a stop.

"If we go too much further, I doubt she would be able to find us as easily. At least now at the end of the worm, she has a specific distance to go that she can follow physically."

"True, darkness isn't exactly her favorite thing either" admitted Clint with a nod.

Steve noticed a rise in the earth around them near the end of the worm. Drawing closer to it with Tony's light, he was glad to see a small dry area that had built up in the water when the tunnels had caved in. He wasted no time in placing Tony on it, along with Clint, while he himself stood guard over them. He wouldn't let anything else hurt his team if he could help it.

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