Oh, Hell No

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Note* Here is the new chapter, I hope you enjoy it!

Chapter Seven:

                                                                                             Oh, Hell NO

Worms were never what he had originally intended, but when he had stumbled upon the secret lab in the outskirts of the universe, well...what better way to set a trap for superheroes, than to give them something big, ugly, and destructive to fight? More so to the point, what a better way to get his ultimate nemesis, Iron Man to show up.

Honestly, things couldn't have gone better for him and his pets. Not only had they attracted the avengers, but even shield. All of his enemies in one place. It was nearly too good to be true. Then of course there was the way Stark had shot off into the tunnels. He still couldn't help but smile in glee at the prospect of having Iron Man aka Anthony Stark held below ground. He would not allow him to escape now that he had him.

So when he saw the ones called Thor, Black Widow, and Hulk break through his seal and down below, he was furious, but not nearly beaten. No. Now...now was when his true plan went into action. Lifting his hands, he grinned as he sent out a wave of sound manipulation. Oh yes...the so called Avengers, were in for it if they thought he would allow them to rescue their friends so easily.


Tony grimaced as he watched Clint pick off the stragglers who slithered on past them. The sight of worm guts spraying through the air was anything but settling. Still, he wouldn't complain. He would rather see the worm-monster-things dead than trying to take another bite of him through what was left of his armor.

A surprise cough burst through his mouth before Stark could stifle it, attracting a couple of the worms towards them. Hawkeye glanced back at Tony in exasperation, but he held back his comment, pursing his lips when he took in the other man's appearance.

Tony was pale and not just a little pale, but nearly white. His eyes had a certain glazed look about them, which was nearly outdone by the small signs of pain in his face that caused them to look watery. His lips were the biggest thing though. Hawkeye could handle a lot, but seeing those he cared about dying before his eyes and being unable to help was the biggest torture for him. So when he saw the blood running freely from Tony's mouth as Stark hacked up what he could of the blood drowning his lungs, he wanted then and there to run and never look back. He had seen so many people die due to his job as an assassin for Shield, but it never made seeing his personal friends and family die around him any easier to bear witness too.

"Hang with me Stark, okay?" he whispered behind him as he drew back his bow.

Releasing the arrow, he watched with a sick satisfaction as it planted itself into one of the worm's mouths, tearing through its throat.

"T-Trying Birdbrain", came the weakened response behind him.

Clint glanced around looking for any others coming towards them, but he was relieved to see the other had moved on, not having heard the death of the other. Satisfied that they were safe for the moment, he turned back to Tony.

"We clear yet, Nat?" he asked into his com as he knelt beside his friend.

"Not yet Clint. There are... a lot of them and..."

Her voice cut off when a sharp shrill pierced the air around them. Tony and Clint covered their ears, eyes strained to be open as they looked around for the source.

"J-Jarvis...what was that?"

"Unknown Sir. Scans report it did not come from underground."

"So...he has arrived", he whispered out before another coughing fit took him.

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