Oh Muffins!

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Note* Sorry this is a short Chapter, but I hope you enjoy it anyways!

Chapter Eight:

                                                                                             Oh Muffins!

Hulk Burst out of the forest, his roar ripping through the silence. Both Shield and the Avengers watched with horror as he bound towards them.

"Hulk Smash Bad Men!" he yelled.

"Well, this is just perfect", muttered Clint with a sigh.

"Thor, think you can district Hulk for a while until we can find Mandarin?"

"Of course Captain of America", he answered before he sped off at a seconds notice.

"Now Hall, look, you are being manipulated by Mandarin. We are the Avengers."

"The good guys", added Clint, "Remember? Me Hawkeye. Friend. You Maria Hill. Friend."

"Clint, she isn't stupid. Just brainwashed", Tony said with a huffed laugh.

"Well, just...you know...making sure", Barton mumbled as he rubbed his neck, his face red with embarrassment and nervousness.

"I don't care what you say. You are coming with me and we are taking you in for crimes against the People, you villains!" she barked out, her eyes glazed yet unrelenting.

"What do we do Steve?" Natasha whispered beside him.

He sighed as he peered around. His gaze locked a small figure distantly standing on a hill above their position, watching.

'Mandarin' Steve thought with disgust before a wet cough had his attention going back to Tony who still laid in his arms. Stark was looking whiter and whiter, his face covered in a layer of sweat and his breathing coming out quicker and more shallow. Steve could only guess he didn't have long left and if his Reactor was anything to go by, the dim almost non-existent light, he would be correct with his assumption.

"Clint, I know you're still shivering quite a bit, but do you think you could..."

"Way ahead of you Steve", Clint said as he stowed his bow and slowly took Stark from his arms and prepared himself to move.

Hill watched them with unease, but her mind was so clouded that she couldn't think logically, so she didn't expect it when Natasha caught her off guard with an upper cut. Stumbling back, she only had a moment's notice before another blow landed painfully against her left temple and the third straight into her esophagus effectively dropping her to her knees. A fourth hit from Natasha's knee into her chin knocked her out cold.

"Think you can hold them?" Steve asked her.

Nat just smirked and glanced back at him. An obvious look of, 'You have to ask?' on her face.

"Right", he stated as he turned to Clint.

"Get Tony to safety" Steve said as he glanced once more at his teammates pale features. He felt the anger burn through him as he turned towards the hill and raised his shield. "I am going to go take care of an unwanted parasite."

Clint watched the Captain take off running. Like their "leader", he had noticed the small figure on the hill. He just smirked as he clutched Stark tighter to his chest.

"Go get him, Tiger", he whispered before dashing for the Quinjets's medical sector.


Thor slammed Mjolnir into Hulk, lighting flashing around him. Big Green noticed him coming though and prepared for the blow, his feet sliding back at the hit that followed. Thor and Hulk were probably the most equal when it came to strength and while Thor would never admit it, Hulk was probably just a little bit stronger.

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