Oh Believe You Me

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Chapter Ten:

                                                                                     Oh Believe You Me

Tony walked into Avenger tower, shuffling as he went. His ankle was still recovering, as were his other injuries, but he wasn't about to let that be a weakness as he prepared the trap that would snag the prize.

"Now Tony", lectured Pepper, "I expect you to abide by the doctors and take it easy. That means no workshop."

Stark sighed and sank down onto the couch, missing the concerned look she flashed his way when he didn't argue with her. It was very, very rare for Anthony Stark not to argue about anything said, especially concerning what he should and should not do when talking about his Avenger work and lab time.

"Man I'm starving!" moaned Clint, "what does it take for a guy to get some food around here?!"

"Stop your whining. We will get food shortly", Natasha scolded.

Clint pouted as he sank onto the couch beside Tony. Glancing over at the man, he took in the others appearance. Stark was still a bit pale, but he had a lot more color than before. The week in the hospital had done wonders for the man. Still, he looked very tired.

Steve was the last into the room after Bruce and Thor. He took in his team's ragged appearance before sinking into his own chair. Sighing with relief as he settled down, he smiled at his friends.

"I got to admit", he said grinning, "I didn't think we would be home so soon."

"I for one am very happy we are out of those caves and warm", muttered Clint.

"Here, here", agreed Tony with a snort.

Pepper just shook her head as she draped herself over the arm of the couch, laying her head on top of Tony's.

"I wasn't kidding though, I want food", Clint replied as he looked at each of his team in turn before he settled on Steve. Steve Rogers sighed as he stood back up.

"I suppose we could go get something."

"I want what you Midgard call Pasta!" Thor shouted in a thunderous voice.

"That does sound rather good", agreed Bruce.

"Yeah I could go for that", Natasha said nodding.

Clint shrugged, "Anything."

"I will call Happy and see if he can't drive us", Pepper said as she grabbed her phone and stepped out.

"Stark, that okay with you?" Clint asked.

Tony was silent for a moment.

"Tony?" Steve questioned.

"Huh?" Tony said looking up, "Ah yeah that's fine. Actually I am not very hungry. How about you guys go without me?"

"Tony, I said no about the lab", Pepper said as she walked back into the room, her heels clicking across the floor.

"No, I...I'm just tired", he replied with a smile, "I think I am going to go to bed."

Everyone stared at him.

"What?" he asked, feeling a bit self-conscious.

"N-Nothing. Just usually we have to drug you to make you sleep", Bruce answered when no one else did.

"Are you sure you are okay Tony?" Pepper asked, concern evident in her tone.

"I'm fine. Really. Just tired", he said again.

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