Chapter 1

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Lauren's phone had been ringing during the last ten minutes and she felt so lazy that day she didn't even want to move her arm and reach it...
Even though she didn't look at the phone screen, she already knew it was Allyson, who happened to be her manager and also her best friend, wanting to wish her a "good morning" and then being mad at her for being late for the meeting she had that day because of the new tour she was about to start in three days.

It was the seventh time the phone was ringing and Lauren was so sick of hearing that annoying ringtone that she just rolled her eyes as hard as she could and grabbed her phone in a quick movement.

"Good morning Lauren, why weren't you answering the phone? Huh? Anyways, how are you today? I hope you're ok and I also hope you're getting ready for the meeting today... it starts in a few minutes... are you getting ready? We can't make them wait!" Ally said as fast as she could and Lauren felt confused for a moment "Are you there? Lauren?"

"Yes Allyson, I'm here, good morning... I'm... Yeah, I'm getting ready, I'm almost ready! Don't worry! I'll be there at 10 o'clock." Lauren answered not wanting to worry Ally.

"Great! See you there! Bye!" Ally finally said as she hung up the phone.

"Jesus... How can she be this energetic in the morning...?!" Lauren immediately whispered to herself as she sat on bed and tried to reach her slippers under the bed.

Lauren had thirty minutes to be at the building where the meeting was happening and as soon as she finally realized that she started running from the bedroom to the bathroom, from the bathroom to the bedroom, from the bedroom to the kitchen and she was opening the house's door about eight minutes before the starting of the meeting... "Fuck!" she thought. She would be so screwed if she didn't get there in time...

She closed the door behind her and pressed the elevator button. It usually took like two seconds but especially today it was taking one hour.
As soon as she got out of the building she ran to her car and she drove as fast as she could.
She knew she was already late but she couldn't make Ally wait even more. Not disappointing Ally was the most important thing.

"I bet she's almost here..." Allyson worriedly told the people who were there waiting for Lauren to arrive, trying to calm them down... and also trying to keep herself from stressing.

"Good morning, I'm so sorry I took this long!" Lauren apologized as she entered the room and sat in the first chair she saw. Everyone smiled at her and some of them even told her it was ok. She definitely felt better after knowing she wasn't in trouble.

"Finally..." Ally whispered close to Lauren so that only Lauren could hear her "You told me you were almost ready... They were starting to get mad..." she kept telling Lauren as she quickly sat next to her.

"I'm sorry... but don't worry..." Lauren whispered back "They were super fine with it!" She winked at Ally and caressed her head for a few seconds trying to calm her down.

Lauren started looking around and seeing lots of new faces. She noticed her old guitarist Nathan who used to follow her on the last tours was not there anymore. For a moment she had forgotten he had passed away two days after end of the last tour because of his heart problem... Now they had to replace him. Her smile died for a little bit with the thought of missing him but it appeared back on her face as soon as she saw Normani and Dinah sitting a little bit far from her.

"Heyyyy!!!" Normani whispered so low Lauren could barely hear it but she immediately waved at her and smiled so big Dinah and Normani started laughing.

Lauren noticed a young girl sitting beside them and she was sure she had never seen her before. Probably she was nineteen? Twenty? She had long brown hair and Lauren couldn't see it very well from where she was sitting but she was almost sure her eyes were brown too.
Suddenly the girl smiled at something Dinah told her and Lauren got a little bit jealous because she realized the girl was really beautiful.

L. Jergz (Camren)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora