Chapter 28

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"What movie are we going to watch?" Taylor asked from the back of the car.

"I don't know yet..." Lauren answered without taking her eyes off the road.

"Can we please, please watch that new Ed Sheeran's documentary?" Taylor pouted at Lauren who glanced at her from the little mirror placed in the car's ceiling.

"You know how much I love Ed but I actually wanted to watch that new movie "The Visit"..." Lauren told Taylor who sighed in frustration.

"Yas, Laur!" Chris exclaimed "I wanted to go watch that one but no one around me seems to enjoy horror movies..."

"Then it's chosen!" Lauren said with an adorable smile on her face.

"Ahm... Laur?" Camila suddenly broke the silence, calling for Lauren's attention hesitatingly.

"Yeah, babe?" Lauren asked.

"I'm kinda scared of that... You know... Kind of movies..." Camila confessed and Lauren laughed at the younger one.

"You'll be fine, Camilita... I'll be there with you..." Lauren tried to comfort Camila playfully while placing her right hand on Camila's thigh.

"It's a good movie, Mila... You're gonna love it!" Chris told Camila who turned her head around to look at him and nodded.

"Well, now we just have to pick Keana up because she asked me if I could do that for her... And then we can head to the cinema!" Lauren informed everyone inside the car while glancing at the GPS which was guiding her through the streets so she could get to Keana's new home.

"Alright!" Taylor and Chris said almost at the same time. Camila was quiet, feeling quite nervous about meeting Lauren's friends.

"Don't be nervous..." Lauren told Camila almost in a whisper after glancing at her and noticing her nervousness. "It's ok, they're gonna love you!"

Camila looked up at Lauren and nodded with a tiny smile on her face. Lauren took advantage of the fact the traffic light was red and turned her head to her, smiling back at her. She took Camila's hand and drove all the way to Keana's house without letting it go.

"Babe!!!" Keana yelled while running from her house's main door into Lauren's arms. "How have you been? I've missed you!"

"Man, I've missed you too Ke!" Lauren told her sincerely. She let go of that embrace and held both of Keana's hands while looking up and down to her before looking right into her eyes. "You look gorgeous!"

"You don't look that bad either, Laur..." Keana winked playfully at Lauren who laughed.

"This is such a beautiful house, I love it... Painted in white and grey... Just like you've always wanted..." Lauren commented on Keana's house while analyzing it and Keana turned around for a second to look at it too before showing Lauren and thankful smile.

"Thanks!" Keana thanked her "Yeah... White and grey... Remember me telling you about it when we were nineteen? Sitting on that bench at the park? Eating an hot dog which ended up falling on the ground?"

"Of course I do, girl!" Lauren exclaimed.

"Ugh... Now that I've got you here I don't want you to go away again... I want my bestie back!!!" Keana confessed and Lauren showed her a sad smile. "I might go along with you on the next tour or something..." she suggested more like a joke but Lauren seemed to think seriously about that.

"You should definitely come!" Lauren told her.

"What?" Keana asked her while raising an eyebrow.

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