Chapter 13

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"Vero!!!" Lauren yelled as hard as she could before her voice cracked and a tear fell through her cheek as she ran to hug Vero who was a few metres away from her.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Vero mumbled while opening her arms to immediately receive Lauren inside them. "How's my baby?" 

"Vero!" Lauren repeated her name but now in a whisper because she was crying and she couldn't say it louder.

"That's my name..." Vero said as she laughed while a few tears insisted on running through her face. "Don't cry, you're making me cry too... Stop, you dumbass!"

"Vero, oh my God, you're really here..." Lauren said without letting go off Veronica's arms.

"Awn, I've missed you so much!" Vero admited as she squeezed Lauren's body even harder. "How are you?"

"I'm fine, super fine!" Lauren immediately answered "What about you? You look so hot, girl!"

"I know, I know, thanks!" Vero said as she flipped her hair before laughing and quickly caressing Lauren's head.

"You've been hugging for the past five minutes... Isn't that enough?" Camila said playfully ( not that playfully ) as she approached to Lauren and Veronica. Lauren immediately turned her head to watch Camila. Vero noticed a smile growing on Lauren's face and her eyes shining more than the usual. "I'm Camila, nice to meet you!" Camila raised her hand in Vero's direction.

"Vero." Veronica said as she grabbed her hand and gave her a handshake.

"I know who you are..." Camila winked at her "Lauren told me great things about you..." 

"Oh, did she?" Vero asked her playfully as she glanced at Lauren for a second.

"Yes, she did!" Camila affirmed.

"I hope you're ready to face your italian fans because I saw lots of people holding "I love L. Jergz" signs out there..." Vero informed Lauren playfully poiting at the airport's main door.

"Really?" Lauren asked her with an exciting look on her face.

"Really!" Vero confirmed as she slowly started walking with one of her arms wrapped around Lauren's shoulders "Let's go meet some fans!"

"Yeah, let's go!" Lauren nodded "Camila, c'mon!" she called Camila as she reached her hand pulling her with them.

"Hummm... You and this Camila..." Vero whispered next to Lauren's ear so that Camila couldn't hear her.

"What?" Lauren asked her while raising an eyebrow. 

"You like her?" Vero asked in an even lower tone of voice.

"NO!" Lauren almost yelled. Camila who was next to them but distracted while talking to Normani and Dinah, immediately looked at Lauren who was now regretting she yelled so loud.

"You totally like her..." Vero said as if it was obvious while a smirk appeared on her face.

"Shut up!" Lauren whispered before slapping Vero on the head. Vero started laughing while shaking her head.

"I know you so well..." Vero mumbled as she felt Lauren letting go of her arms and walking to an huge group of fans.

Normani and Dinah already had about ten people around them talking to them and trying to ask them for pictures.

Christina and Derek were already heading to the car after taking some pictures and Malia was following her husband through the crowd.

Camila and Vero were stopped near Lauren watching the passionate way she interacted with each one of them.

L. Jergz (Camren)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz