Chapter 34

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"Lauren?" Camila called as she kept knocking on the door. "Lauren, are you there?"

It was 10 p.m. when Camila finally decided to leave Dinah's house after dinner and gained courage to go to Lauren's home so they could talk properly but Lauren wasn't there.

Dinah had accompanied her and she was waiting inside the car while Camila tried to find out where Lauren was.

"She isn't home..." Camila whimpered as she approached to her car again where Dinah was sitting impatiently waiting for news.

"What?" Dinah asked her confusingly. "Where is she then? This is pretty weird..."

"Let's go home..." Camila shrugged with a noticeable sad facial expression.

"Don't worry, love... We'll try tomorrow, alright?" Dinah said, trying to comfort her best friend who was now sitting on the driver's seat, next to her.

Camila nodded at Dinah's suggestion and she turned the car on, heading to Dinah's home so she could leave Dinah there.

"One more drink, please..." Lauren asked to the barman standing in front of her while cleaning a few cups.

"The same as before?" The man questioned her.

"Yes." Lauren nodded before the guy turned around to get the bottle of one of the strongest alcoholic drinks.

Lauren made the chair where she was sitting turn around and she started looking around at all the people dancing inside that place.

It was only 11 p.m. but there were already lots of people there, willing to get drunk and have sex with the first person who shows up in front of them. Lauren used to be like that right after the terrible break up with her ex-girlfriend. She had been the one who always drank until she was completely insane and then she'd take some girl home and fuck her until she got tired and fell asleep on the bed.

Then she had to go on tour and she got so busy she gave up on that life. Plus, she had met Camila and she stopped wanting everyone to love that girl. That girl who now had broken her heart.

That night, Lauren was decided to go back to that life. Even if it was only for one night, only if it was just to erase the pain for a moment. She felt her before warmer heart go colder and colder. She didn't want to feel a thing. That night she wanted to be numb.

Lauren turned the chair around again to face the barman who handed her the drink. She took the cup to her lips and drank it all of once.

"Let me guess... Another one?" The boy asked Lauren who giggled before nodding. He started getting another one ready while she slightly moved her body to the sound of the music filling that room.

After a few seconds someone sat down next to her and she turned her head to analyze who that was.

That someone was a not very tall girl with short brown hair, a nose piercing and a long T-shirt covering almost half of her legs which were wearing a pair of blue jeans.

"May I ask you what's your name?" Lauren asked the brown haired girl as she approached to her.

The girl immediately raised her head to meet Lauren's green eyes and showed her a tiny smile.

"I'm Melanie..." The girl answered before shaking hands with Lauren while a smile kept playing on her face. "What about you, green eyes?"

"Lauren, Lauren Jauregui!" Lauren told her.

"Oh I know who you are... Aren't you that singer who once was caught by the paparazzis while smoking weed at 4 a.m.?" Melanie questioned Lauren who started laughing.

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