Ch. 1

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NOT EDITED!!!!!!!!! Thank you for reading! You are the chocolate covered strewberries of the world!!!!


I'm so not a morning person is the first thing I think when my mom yells through the intercom for me to wake up. This is the first time I have got up not hung over in awhile though. I sit up in bed and rub the sleep from my eyes.

"And this starts the worst day of my life."

I say to myself as I walk into the bathroom. Today is moving day. Today I will be leaving all my friends, my boyfriend, and all the wonderful things that happen in New York for the shitty nothing ever happens town in North Carolina where the only people I will know are my dorky cousins and aunt and uncle. The last time I seen them was five years ago and Trevor the boy my age spilled tomato soup all over my white mini skirt and then cried because I yelled at him about it. We were 13 at the time and I got grounded for a week. That was the last time I had seen him and his twin brothers which were 9. Well today I will be seeing them again since we will be next door neighbors for the next year. I shouldn't even have to move since I'm 18 but my parents said they would cut me off and I have no place to live without them. They believe this move is going to "fix" me. So I have refused to talk to them... it's been 2 weeks now. I can be very stubborn whenever I need to be. My dad even bought me a car for North Carolina since I use a driver here and I still haven't said a word to him. They can't just buy me off like that and expect me to like them again. They were taking me away from everything I know and love!

I get out of the shower and put on my farewell outfit I'm wearing a black tank top and black leggings I'm mourning my life. I hold back tears as I brush my blonde hair. I start on my makeup using extra concealer to hide the bags under my eyes, see this move is already making me uglier. Now I'm sure you are wondering why is miss party girl leaving the best city in the world for a small town? Well the answer is easy I was arrested for throwing a party in one of my dads hotels and when parents pick up their 18 year old in jail high and drunk they kind of freak out. Even though I didn't throw the party it was my stupid ass boyfriend. I didn't even know the party was going on until my best friend Jenny called me from the party drunk. Now my parents think I'm ruining my life with drugs and alcohol. The funny thing is I have been partying since I was 12 and this is just the first time they found out. They have totally overreact and now they are trying to ruin everything for me.

I walk down stairs where I find my mom and dad standing at the door smiling at me.

"Are you ready sweetie?"

I roll my eyes and push past them out the door. The flight was an hour and 32 minutes long but it felt like a million hours with my parents constantly chatting about how much I will love the town, obviously my parents don't know me at all. I scoffed and gave them my famous glare. They finally got the hint to shut up, leaving me alone.

We were now pulling into the new house. My aunt and uncle were standing in the yard with their once ugly kids. Now the twins were cute teenagers with floppy hair toned arms and Trevor was tall dark and handsome. I was shocked to say the least. My parents stepped out of the car and hugged them all just then did I realize just how much I didn't look like any of them they all had dark hair and light eyes. The opposite to my blond hair and dark eyes. And all I can think is how I do not belong in this family. I step out and my uncle is the first to run up and hug me.

"You are so grown up Meredith."

He tells me. I seriously hate being touched. I push off him and stomp inside the house slamming the door shut behind me. I listen to the conversation that they have outside of  the house.

"Whats her deal?"

One of the twins asked.

"She is so upset about this move. New York is all she has ever known."

My mom sniffles like she actually cares.

"Oh don't cry Joyce, Trevor will make sure she enjoys being here. Want you trev?"

My aunt says to her. Like Trevor could solve all my problems.

"Yeah, she will love it here once she gives it a chance I'm sure."

Trevor tells my mom. Wow Trevor's voice has gotten deep. They get close to the front door so I run up the stairs not wanting to be caught eavesdropping I decide to look for my bedroom. I find my room already decorated except for the box I had marked "leave untouched". I open the box to find my special books and my pictures. I open a book to find my weed in perfect shape. I had to cut the pages out a few years ago when my parents started snooping around my room. I close the book when my bedroom door opens.

"Ever heard of knocking?"

I turn to find Trevor looking at me.

"Ever heard of not being a bitch?"

He fires back at me taking me by surprise. This is not the scared little boy I once could make cry just by looking at him. We used to be best friends. He was always a happy kid and made me laugh harder than anyone ever could. But that changed when everything else changed. When I changed.

"Oh so little trevy grew some balls while I was away." I tell him with a laugh.

"You have been away for a very long time so yeah I would say thats true."

He spit back at me his eyes turning a dark color. Feeling the tension in the room I decide to laugh it off.

"That is true trevy." He laughs with me and hugs me.

"It's good to see you merebear. We have all missed you."

He used to call me merebear because he thought my eyes looked like teddy bear eyes.

"Yeah everyone can't get enough of me." I say pulling away going back to my box.

Trevor sits on my bed while I put my books away then move on to set up my pictures. I pick one up of my boyfriend Matt and I; I'm high and we are laughing I don't even remember taking the picture. I feel tears about to start so I ask.

"so when did you get so big trevy?"

"Don't call me that. And I guess around 14 everything kinda changed around here then."

14 was the age they stopped coming to New York to visit us. I don't know why and I never really cared before. I was too busy dealing with all my changes but I did miss them sometimes which I would never admit that to anyone. But I remember my parents being very upset about it. I pick up another picture of Jenny and I, we were wasted and sitting on a bench in the park I remeber Matt saying how hot we looked so she leaned in and kissed me and he took the picture. Dang I miss them. I wonder what they are doing. Probably missing me.

"What do y'all do for fun around here?"

I ask trying to not think about my best friends.

"well we have a bowling ally that a lot of people go to."

"Wow sounds like an awesome town." I say sarcastically.

"It's not so bad."

He tells me while walking to the door.

"Oh we are having a party tonight do you want to come?"

My ears pick up when I hear the word party.

"hell yeah I do!" I say excited.

This is the best thing I have heard all day and that is just sad.

"Okay me and my ma- girlfriend will pick you up around 7:30. I can't wait for you to meet her." He says before walking out. 7:30 was early for a party but at least it was something. I look at my phone and it's already 4 so I head for the shower feeling gross after the flight.

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