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Matt in picture above-----------------------

Meredith's pov-------------

I pulled into the first bar I seen I really needed to drink a little and it wouldn't hurt to meet a few people as well. I get a text from Matt saying  "hey" so I decide to call since I hadn't heard his voice in three days which is super long for us.

"Hey baby!"

"Mere I have missed you so much you said you would call once you got to your house." He said sounding a little hurt.

I don't know why I didn't call him it was almost like it was to hard to say goodbye to him again.

"Yeah I know but I have been busy." I lie to him.

"Oh okay well have you met any cool people?" He asks me.

Well besides Derek the creepier and freckle face I haven't even talked to anyone yet.

"No I hate everyone here. How is Jenny?" I ask a little excited to hear about my best friend.

"I haven't seen her." He rushes out.

That's weird they were friends before I left. We were all best friends.

"Oh you haven't hung out with her?"

"Hell no what do you mean by that?" He practically yelled at me.

"I didn't mean anything I was just wondering. Sorry." I tell him.

"Oh sorry I just miss you that's all." He is seriously the best guy.

"Oh okay well I got to go I love you bye." I tell him before hanging up the phone.

I hardly ever say the L word because I don't really believe in it but Matt likes when I say it and I do miss him so I figured I would make him happy. I walk in and sit at the bar.

"Excuse me miss but this bar is 21 and over." the bar tender informs me.

Well this was the first time I have actually been carded.

"I'm 22" I tell him while pulling out my fake id.

Jenny got us fake ids for my 17th birthday from her brother. He's amazing at making them but this is the first time someone thought I was young.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't realize, in my defense you look young." He says winking at me.

"What can I get for you beautiful?"  Eww was this guy really trying to hit on me, I'm way too sober for that right now.

"Can You make a Manhattan?" Normally I don't like them but I will take anything that reminds me of home right now.

"I can make anything you want sweetheart." He answers me.

I smile back at him might as well be nice to him he could be a good friend to have. He hands me the drink and leans over the bar.

"So what's a hot girl like yourself doing drinking at 2 o'clock during the day?" I mentally roll my eyes.

So if I was an ugly girl would it be okay for me to be drinking right now? Why do looks even matter. I put on my fake smile

"oh you know the normal I have a voice in my head that I need to shut up for a while." I say laughing.

He joins in on the laughter. It's honestly not funny at all because that is exactly what I am doing but no normal person has someone talking in there head 24/7 like I do. I'm a freak and I have been this way ever since I can remember. But you can't tell people stuff like that unless you want to end up in a mental hospital. Which I tried that once and it didn't help the doctors just sent me home because they couldn't treat me since I was underage. So I learned that the alcohol and drugs help shut her up.

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