Ch. 3

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That is Lux above----------------------

I woke to the worst hangover I have had in awhile. I open my eyes but instantly close them because it hurts so bad, a voice screaming at me in my own mind. I lay there for a second trying to remember last night but once we got to the party the rest is blank. I try to sit up but something was holding me down I open my eyes to find a naked man holding me.

Oh shit! I take his arm off me being careful not to wake him and get up. Please don't let me find out I gave my virginaty to some hot stranger last night. I know I talk a big game but I wanted my first time to be special at least not when I'm too drunk to even remember it. I felt like crying while I put on my flip flops and sneak out the door. How the hell am I going to get home I don't even know where I am. Crap Matt is going to be pissed about this and my parents as well. I think while I find the front door. This place is freakin huge but it's not like a house it's more like an apartment complex in house form. I laugh at that maybe I'm still a little drunk from last night. I don't even remember how much I drank but guessing by the headache I'm having right now I can only guess a lot.

I finally reach the front door and open it to the brightest sun ever.

"Fuck this hurts." I say to myself pissed. I hear someone laugh and I look beside me to find Lux and Trevor sitting on a bench together.

"Hungover are we merebear?" I glare at him and walk over to them.

"You piece of shit let me have sex with some random guy while I was fucked up! What kind of cousin are you?" He stared at me with shocked wide eyes.

"He had sex with you?" Then his blue eyes turned a dark color.

"Well I woke up next to a guy who was naked so I guessed." I say a little less pissed off this time. Lux laughs and me and Trevor turn to look at her.

"Find something funny freckle face?" I ask her my eyes narrowed at her. She returned the look and says

"I liked you better high. And Derek only sleeps in boxers he always has." Oh thank goodness I'm still pure well kinda. But I probably should have guessed that since i was still fully dressed and i don't think guys put your clothes back on once they take them off.

"Trevor take me home. Now!" I say to him and he nods leaning in to give freckles a kiss.

"I'll call you later babe." She doesn't say anything just stands up and starts walking inside. Guess I already ruined that friendship.

I get in Trevor's hot car feeling really sick now.

"Did you have to be a bitch to her Meredith? Gah you have been here for less than two days and you already have been so horrible. I'm tired of it. She was really hoping to be friends with you. I told our family I would help you out maybe get to know you again we used to be the best of friends until something happened to you and you changed. I was going to give you another chance and you upset the one person that means the most to me in this world! All because you think the world revolves around you. You have your head so far up your own ass you can't even see when people actually want to be your friend. What, are we not good enough because we live here and not in your precious New York? Or is it because we don't have to do drugs or drink to have a good time?" He kept rambling on and honestly I would have listened better but I felt like any moment I was going to puke.

"Pull over!" I say interrupting his speech about how awful I am. Which I don't fully disagree with. We did used to be the best of friends.

"No did you not hear a word I said it's not all about yo-" and I throw up all in the floorboard of the car.

"Oh hell no! Not my baby!" Oh great he probably going to start crying or something. I lean my head back and close my eyes.

"You freakin suck! You alcoholic druggy freak." Oh he's so good at this. I think sarcasticly to myself. We finally pull into my driveway and I get out not even worried about the mess I just made. I mean I did warn him.

"You are totally going to clean this up!" Trevor yells from the car.

Yeah right I have never been one to clean up my own messes. I open the door and walk straight to my room not bothering to talk back to my parents when they ask if I had fun. I flopped down on my bed and my last thought was how I wish I was home in New York with Matt holding me. I cry myself to sleep with the voice in my head going crazy.

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