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Trevor in picture above-----------------

Derek's pov

"Shit" I growl as I watch Meredith drive off still holding my broken foot.

"Dude she didn't even stop, she just kept driving like she didn't just run over your foot." Trevors tells me like I don't already know that.

It infuriates my wolf that our mate didn't stop to check on us. I mean she did just break my foot. What is wrong with this girl? My girl. I hop over to my car sitting in the passenger side seat with Trevor following me.

"I wonder where she is going. She doesn't even know anything about this town and she doesn't have any friends here." Trevor informs me.

"I know that is why we are following her. So drive!" Tossing him my keys.

I don't normally let people drive my car but it will take a few minutes before my foot is healed. Thank goodness for werewolf healing. Trevor drives off following my mates scent. Some people might call this stalking but Meredith is mine to make sure she is safe and I have a feeling that this girl gets into a lot of trouble.

"So why did Meredith's family move here after all those years being away from pack life?" I ask wanting to find out more about my girl.

"Well I overheard mom and dad talking about how Meredith got arrested for partying. Apparently she is way out of control and Joyce and Troy don't know what to do with her."

This makes sense, Mere does seem a bit wild. I don't say anything so he continues.

"But if you ask me she has always been this way ever since she turned 10 years old. When we were little she was the sweetest little kid always smiling and making people laugh. Everyone loved her it was like everyone she met fell in love with her. I mean she was my best friend for ten years. It was always kinda weird how people just wanted to be around her but then we turned 10 and she was a different person. She would cuss at her parents and throw fits if she didn't get her way. One time when we were 12 she stole 10 thousand dollars from her dad and ran away. She didn't tell us anything just left then came back and acted like nothing happened. Her parents had went to the cops and everything. It was crazy. She wouldn't say anything about where she went either she just said she needed to get away. She was 12! Like who the heck does that?!"

Wow I wonder what happened to her to make her change like this.

"Honestly I was so happy my parents decided it wasn't safe for Meredith to be around us when I turned since she never did. But really it was the other way around she is a monster. Our family thinks the sweet little girl will come back one day but if they would wake up and realize that Mere died a long time ago it would be easier for us all."

I growled at that I didn't want to even think about Meredith dying.

"Oh sorry I keep forgetting the mate thing. It is a surprise though Meredith is going to be our Luna but she isn't even a werewolf. I wonder how that's going to work."

"Yeah I was thinking the same thing." I told him.

We were two cars down from Meredith when she pulled into a bar we pull in behind her and park a few cars down so she couldn't see in my car. She stayed in the car looking on her phone then she put it to her ear. I used my wolf hearing to hear what she was saying.

"Hey baby! Yeah I know but I have been busy. No I hate everyone here. How is Jenny? Oh you haven't hung out with her? I didn't mean anything I was just wondering, sorry. Okay well I got to go I love you bye!" And she hung up.

It physically hurt me that she called someone baby and the same person she also said I love you to. She's only supposed to say that to me. Who could this guy be? I'm sure he isn't good enough for my princess! If I ever find him I will rip out his throat. Only I'm supposed to be with her.

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