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Jason immediately bolted up from his sleeping bag on the ground, a dazed and confused expression apparent on his face. He brought his fists up to his face, rubbing his eyes gently to wake himself up.

Glancing at the clock on the bedside table, he noticed that it was only 3:37 am. Why was his mom waking him up so early? Did they have another mission?

Suddenly, he heard whimpering coming from the bed beside him, and that answered his question. That wasn't his mom calling him.

He jumped out from underneath his sleeping bag, quickly throwing the cover and blankets off of his body and hopped onto the bed, the thrashing and kicking Ariana almost knocking him off.

"Ariana!" Jason yelled worriedly, grabbing her hands to keep her from accidentally punching him in the face. "Wake up, it's just a dream!"

She only let out a sob in response. Jason frowned, crawling underneath her so that her body was halfway on his lap, her head resting on his chest. An arm was wrapped her neck, stroking her hair as the other one held down her arms; her legs still kicking wildly.

"J-Jason! No, don't take him! Jason, don't leave me!" Ariana shrieked, the tears streaming down her cheeks as her body thrashed around, trying to escape her 'restraints.' "Please don't take him away from me!"

"I'm right here, Ari. I'm right here, I'm never going to leave you, okay? Please wake up, I'm here," Jason assured her, continually stroking her hair and planting a long kiss on her temple. He was terrified for her, what was she dreaming about? And who was taking him?

Ariana gasped before letting out a scream, and she clung onto Jason's pajama shirt, bringing his chest closer to her face and sobbing into the fabric. Jason wrapped his arms around her upper body tightly, eyes widening at her actions. Boy, was he glad that her parents were out tonight.


"J-Jason..." she choked out, tears staining his white t-shirt. He realized that she was awake now, when she stopped trying to get out of his grip and her kicking completely died down. "P-Please don't ever leave me."

Jason's heart broke when he heard the sadness and desperation in her voice, feeling her thin arms wrap around his chest tightly and her legs tangle with his. She pressed her face against his chest, short, little hiccups escaping her throat.

"I won't ever leave you, I promise. I'm right here, Ari. I'm right here."

Jason stroked her back soothingly, the other hand resting on her bare legs. He nuzzled his chin in her messy bed hair. The moonlight from her bedroom window besides the bed shone on them, giving Jason an angelic view of the gorgeous girl in his arms. He stared down at the perfect girl that he was oh so lucky to be able to call his best friend, with her thin, olive toned body and her flawless face. He couldn't keep his eyes off of her as he felt her breathing soften up from her frantic beating earlier.

After a couple of minutes, he felt her body pull away from him, allowing him access to a better view of her face. Her eyes were red and swollen, cheeks stained of dried tears, and her baby hairs falling on her flushed face. But Jason still thought she looked like the most beautiful girl in the world.

"Want to tell me what happened?" he whispered, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

Her eyes flickered to his lips before back to his eyes. She nodded slowly before getting up from on top of him and finding a more comfortable position besides him. Jason wrapped his arm around her waist, letting her cuddle into his warmth and wrap her leg across his body.

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