Ch.7 She was there

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When they left, Derek walked to to empty room and left me kinda standing by myself. "Well you're great with communicating..You just leave me standing there, in a random place that I haven't been before" I walked into the room "Scott, Stiles, and Liam did the same thing.. I want you to focus on changing, since your learning quickly this might be easy" his eyes began to glow a bright blue, and I remembered when Liam said that my eyes we're a Dark blue. I thought about the burning feeling that I felt earlier and nothing happened.. "I don't feel nothing, I had a burning feeling earlier but.. I got nothing"
"Think of something that makes you angry, and if that doesn't work.. I got another plan"
I thought of everything that happened between me and my family and then I felt it. First the burning was in my mouth, the my hands and my eyes. Everything felt weird, I heard the beating sound again and I just felt really weird.. I needed to get out, I ran for the door but I was thrown across the room and hit the table I couldn't help but growl. I stood up and he ran towards me, he swung but I ducked and tried to kick him but he was to quick. He grabbed my leg and flipped me "Again" He just stood there "I have to get out of here" I tried to run but he threw me to the ground and I heard a loud crack, and pain in my back but it went away. As I stood up again I heard a loud roaring sound coming from me and I put my leg behind Derek's legs and pushed on his chest and he hit the ground.. Then the burning went away "Sorry I didn't mean to.. It just kinda happened" He stood up "Your stronger then you look.. I haven't seen anyone that was a beta with bark blue eyes, they're back.. I can hear them but only Scott "I can hear him too.."
"Tate hurry up, Stiles and Liam are out I'm the woods trying to get dirt on guy named Theo and we're gonna be there when they leave" I actually heard him and he was outside on his dirt bike.. "That's my cue.." I left and met him outside


"Should we go find them?" I asked as the car fully stopped "You can, but I'm gonna stay here.. I gotta call Lydia to see if the found anything" I walked a bit into the woods and found Stiles and Liam talking to someone who I'm guessing is Theo.. "Hey guys, Scott's waiting at the car.. Hi I'm Tate"
"I'm Theo" he smiled and Liam put his arm around me.. I kinda liked it but Stiles gave us a look "Well we should be heading back then" Stiles started walking back first and we followed "I fell in a hole, but other then that we didn't find anything" When we caught up with Stiles he had punched the car and Scott pit his hand on Stiles and his veins went black "What's he doing"
"Taking his pain away" I didn't really wanna know how at the moment but when the were done with their 'moment' we drove back home.. Well They drove me to Liam's house because I was still having problems at home and I wanted it to calm down before I went back "Well I'm really tired from watching Theo play video games for a few hours and then what happened in the woods so I'm just gonna go to sleep..See you in the morning, Goodnight" Liam walked into his room and I walked in the guest room.. I put on a tee-shirt that went half way to my knees and blue boxers.. The moment I got comfortable it was like I instantly fell asleep..

I woke up to Liam's alarm going off in the other room, so I guess it was the werewolf hearing.. I got up and decided to wear lightly washed blue skinny jeans, a white V-neck and my black combat boots..My hair was light brown and went to my elbows, naturally wavy so I just brushed it and met Liam's mom down stairs when I was done brushing my teeth. "Good Morning Mrs.Dunbar, did you sleep well?" She looked up from placing scrabbled eggs on a plate along with toast "Oh I slept pretty good last night.. How about you? Is Liam awake yet"
"I did to, Yeah I'm pretty sure he's awake.. I thought I heard he walk around across the room"
"OK, well I've already eaten and Liam's Dad has already left for work.. I'm about to head out, breakfast is here for you two. I'll hopefully see you tonight" She left and I was almost done eating when I heard a loud crash from upstairs so I ran up to see Liam on the floor with his pants half on "Do I even wanna know.."
"Well I lost balance while I was trying to get my other leg in my jeans..." And then we left for school after he finished getting ready..


I was in the school library after school ended with Malia studying because Scott, Lydia, Kira, and Stiles we're going to Eichen House to ask this guy some questions when Theo came over.. I wasn't really paying any attention but when I did He gave car keys to Malia and were in his car. I guess he was gonna help her with driving but when he placed his hands on hers I got really uncomfortable "So Malia, You and Stiles are dating right?" I asked to make sure Theo knew about it just in case he was gonna try something with her "Yeah.. Aren't you and Liam dating?"
"What, No no no..We're Just really good friends, I met him earlier this week.. His just helping me with something's"
"Are you sure? I saw the way he put his arm around you when I met you in the woods.. I think he likes you" I gave Theo a look
"OK, so that doesn't mean that I like him"
"Do you" Malia looked at me through the mirror
"You do know that we can notice when you lie... Which you Just did" I glared at Theo but looked at Malia as she increased the speed the me were going..She moved the placement of her hands on the wheel and pressed harder on the gas pedal "You can slow down" He changed the way he was sitting "Malia hit the brakes" I yelled giving Theo quick looks and back to Malia and the road. After a few seconds of trying to get her to stop the car she got out and we did the same asking her what happened but she just kinda knelt in the middle of the road.."What was that, are you OK?"
We stood next to the car doors, but she just looked up the street
"Malia watch out... Malia WATCH OUT" Theo ran and pulled her out of the way as a car drove by us honking their horn.
"She was there..." I heard Malia whisper as they lay on the ground shocked of what Just almost happened "Who" I walked over as she said
"The Desert Wolf" She said a little louder now that's one person I knew about from everyone's conversations...
I don't remember if I said this before but this story isn't gonna be 100% based on the show, only some parts

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