Ch.27 The Plan

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"Stiles they can't take the Beast on.. Tell Them" I said pointing to the radio.. We were racing down the road behind a dozen cops as the went after the Beast..

"Unit five heading northwest on Crescent reporting an incredibly large Something" A female copy said from the radio..

We only sat in silence listening to them.. Stiles had the radio from his Dad.

"Unit Nine to dispatch, I think I've got eyes on the same thing. Some kind of rabid animal." a male said.

"Unit Five to Nine, trust me, that's no animal."

Finally Stiles spoke up.

"All units stay back. Do not engage, I repeat do not engage."

Then we heard his Dad.

"Stiles get off the radio.. All unit alert. Wait for backup. Repeat, no one goes near this thing."

The female spoke again.

"Unit Five reporting a sighting on Hill Road southbound."

Then the male again.

"Unit five, I've got it turning off Oakridge, southbound on Beachwood."

The the dispatch.. I sat back in my seat watching all the flashing lights as we listened..

"All units, this is dispatch. We've got a 9-1-1 call with additional sighting on Mitchell...

Stiles spoke next.

"Wait a second.. Beachwood to Mitchell?"

"Wait.. Isn't that in the direction of the-" Scott cut me off.

"It's heading straight for the hospital."

I quickly jumped up and grabbed the cop radio before Stiles could, he rolled his eyes.

"Dad?" I said.. Since I haven't seen my father in ages and since the Sheriff basically adopted me, I began calling him Dad awhile ago..
Stiles is fine with it.. He always said we were basically brother and sister.

"Tate, get off this channel."

"Dad just listen to us.. Okay? It's headed for the hospital, all right. He's headed for Beacon Memorial. You hear me, he's headed for the hospital." Once I clipped the radio back in place Stiles switched speeds and sped towards the hospital.


We got there before the others so Scott, Stiles and I walked in.

Then we heard a gun load and Sheriff was behind us.

Then there was a shake in the building and we hear the Beast... It roared from another part of the hospital.

"Fourth Floor" Scott said.
Then we made it up to the floor, there were flames in places and the halls were smoky.

Suddenly my head began to hurt, I've been getting these weird side effects.. To be completely honest, I think the switch from Phoenix to Werewolve is still happening..

I haven't told anyone yet, but my flames are gone, my claws are like a normal werewolf and my eyes are yellow..

We were about to turn a corner when suddenly Parrish was thrown and hit a wall.. His eyes changed back to normal.

"Parrish, You Okay?" Sheriff asked as he knelt beside him.

He seemed to be in a trance..

"Deputy" he yelled, and Parrish was back to the real world..

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