Ch.32 Memories

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I rushed out from my hiding spot and stood beside Liam and Scott as the Doctors walked towards us.

Liam gave me a look.

"No matter how much I can't stand you..I won't let you get hurt Liam"

He only smiled before we all began to fight the Doctors, but like every other time..We were losing.

I was thrown across the room and landed on my side.. My vision was blurry from all the hits that I took, but I could still see a bit.

One of the Doctors had Theo by the throat and was saying something...

Then I glanced over at Mason and he was standing up...

He must be in so much pain, I saw some black fog gathering around him and knew what was happening.

The Beast is coming.

I stumbled to my feet and leaned against a wall..

The Beast then threw Theo across the room and ripped apart the Doctors..

If only he did that months ago..

When he was done with them, my heart sunk when he turned to Liam..

I felt my teeth, nails, and eyes change as I roared and ran towards Liam to push him out of the way..

It was like I got a sudden burst of energy. .

As I got closer I heard Scott scream something that I couldn't understand so I continued towards Liam.

I got him out of the way, But I was hit away from them and felt a feeling that I haven't felt since the day Scott turned me..

I slowly looked down crying as I saw a bar through my stomach..

Everything hurt, the pain was like I had fire burning through me.

I didn't see the Beast anymore but Liam and Scott were now beside me..

Everything went blurry again..


"Oh my God Aiden stop" I laughed trying to stop him from tickling me..

"It hurts" I laughed.

We were all having a beach day. The sun was just setting, everything felt so normal.


I opened my eyes and I was in Liams arms, they must have taken me off the bar... I couldn't feel the pain anymore.

"It doesn't hurt" I said as I looked at all the blood..We were all crying.

Liam began to yell something but I couldn't understand him..


"So your Scott's new girlfriend?"

"Yeah..I'm Alison"

"Well he was right, you are pretty" We laughed.


Liam was holding my hand now and Scott was trying to stop the bleeding.

"Liam...I'm have to tell you something" I tried to say..But it came out weird..


"OK well the guest room is across the hall from my room, I know it's late BUT I'm not really tired.. At least I don't think I am.. Umm There's a bathroom connected to the guest room so you can use that one"

"Make yourself at home, if you want we can watch a movie" He placed my bag on a chest at the end of the bed

"Only ONE movie because we have to get up early remember...Oh my god, I forgot.. Stiles was gonna pick me up in the morning for school"

"Text him back and say for him to come down to my house in the morning, if you don't wanna tell him what happened just say You came over for dinner and my parents invited you over for the night"

I smiled.


"Tate, Tate wake up!!" Liam was yelling, I looked beside him and Scott was gone..

"Listen Tate, You can't leave us again...I need you" He said as a few tear drops fell from his cheeks.

I felt weird...I'm so tired...

"I'm so tired" I said.

"Stay awake" He shook me.

"Liam...I still Love you" I said, and everything faded...


I looked at her and held her face trying to keep her awake..

"I'm so tired" she mumbled

"Stay awake" I shook her, she couldn't fall asleep..I can't lose her again.

Her eyes shut.

"Liam...I still Love you" she said and her grip on me loosened...

She's gone.


"Alison...Aiden?" I yelled as I ran into their arms..

"I missed you guys..."

>>>Book 2: Forgetful Info<<<
First Chapter is being posted May 17th 2016

RememberOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora