Ch.24 She's Back...

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So many things have happened... It's stressing me out so badly.

Scott was almost killed by Liam, Hayden is dead, Stiles broke up with Malia, Theo is going against us...

So many things have happened in the past night, and now I have a killer headache.

Liam left with Mason to do something stupid, so I minds well go home and see what Brett's doing.

I decided to walk through the woods because it'd be quicker, and I needed to get away from all the sounds in town. The noise was making my headache worse, and now it was spreading everywhere.

"What the hell" I said as my hand and arm went up in flames.
My vision began to get bury and I felt like throwing up, I got on my knees and the rest of me went up in flames as well...

There's something wrong.. I'm a werewolf, not what ever this is.



I woke up on the ground of the woods with a killer headache.
I don't remember getting here..

The last thing that I remember is being held by a Dread Doctor in the school hall.

I stood up and noticed that.. Well, I was naked..

"Shit" I hid behind the nearest tree..

How did I get myself into this damn mess... I looked around and noticed a phone a few feet away from where I woke up.

"Please let there be no password" I said aloud as I picked it up.

I pressed the turn on button, and... No password.

"Yes!!" I went to the caller and found everyone's numbers..

Scott, Stiles, Theo, Lydia, Kira, Malia, Sheriff, Parrish, Scott's Mom, Derek, Mason, Brett, and

I couldn't call anyone except Scott's mom, otherwise it'd be weird if they saw me naked... I mean, it would still be awkward if Scott's Mom saw me naked, but not as much as the others.

I decided to text her.

Tate: Hey Mama McCall, Can you bring me an outfit... I got myself into a problem.

I looked around to see anything that could help her know were I was. And that's when I noticed the old Hale house.

Tate: I'm at the Hale house.. Just leave the outfit on the inside of the door, and it'd be great if you could give me a ride to your house.. I need to talk to Scott.

She texted back quickly.
Gotta love her for that.

Melissa: Sure sweetie, are you Okay?

Tate: Yeah, but please hurry.

Melissa: Luckily I have and extra nurse outfit in the back of the car, and when we get to my house you can use one of Tates outfits.. Scott isn't home so we'll just hang out til he gets back. I'm actually down the street from the Hale House.

I blew off the fact that she said that I could use Tates outfit, when I am Tate..

I bolted inside the Hale House making sure that no one saw me.
And about five minutes later I saw her place and outfit in the doorway.
I quickly put it on and walked out of the burnt house and stood in front of a shocked mama McCall..

"What?" I said pulling my hair out of the back of the shirt.

"Tate....." She let out a few tears from her eyes.
She didn't say anything else, she pulled me into a giant hug..

"Yeah.. It's me, what's wrong?"

"I don't care how you're here, but you're here and that's all that matters.. We have to tell the others, and I have so much to tell you sweetie." She pulled me into the car..


Supposedly I died and turned into a girl named Jessica.. It has currently been three months since I died, and so much has happened..

The main things that stood out was that Hayden is dead, Liam tried killing Scott, and Theo is going against us... Oh and let's not forget, the Dread Doctors are still here..

I was dressed in a short black dress with long sleeves, black boots, and I black hat.. I put sunglasses in my purse.

"Knowing Scott, he's dealing with werewolf drama right now so don't tell him that I'm back.. I don't want him and the others to drop what they're doing just to see me, we'll tell then tonight" I smiled and sat next to Scott's Mom.

"That's a good idea.. You know, Liam didn't take your death well. He loved you Tate." she turned the TV down a bit.

I blushed a little.

That's when Parrish rushed in the door.

"I didn't tell anyone else" Melissa said and we both stood up.

No one said anything.. Parrish did exactly what Melissa did...

He pulled me into a killer hug.

"You scared us.. You don't know how much we've missed you" he said on the verge of crying..

"Okay, Okay don't cry Parrish.. Where's Sheriff, usually if your here he would be here too" I smiled.

"Hes in the hospital.. He's Okay tho" Melissa said.

"Okay... Well, I'm sorry but I can't stay. We'll make plans tho.
I'm glad you're back Tate" He smiled and walked out the door.

I turned around the face Melissa.
"Are you sure that you didn't tell anyone else?" I questioned.

"I'm positive." She said handing me a glass of water.

I can't believe that I was actually dead... And that I'm back.

Everyone is gonna flip when they find out..

"We should watch a movie" I said and we sat on the couch again and began to watch a weird cheesy old horror film.

"I'm glad that I'm back too" I smiled at her.

She smiled back and kissed my forehead.. She was and still is the closest thing to a mother that I ever had, and I honestly don't know what I'd do without her today..

Probably still standing in the middle of the woods hiding behind a tree completely naked, confused, and scared..
OH and let's not forget probably staying in the burnt Hale House.. That would be horrible..

But Hey, I'm back..

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