Ch.22 Fix the Broken Relationship

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Jess (Tate)

I was in the passenger seat of Theo's car in silence. He barely has said anything.. And I was really getting bored and kinda frustrated.

"Are you shy? Cause you have talked to me.." I said and he chuckled which turned to a smile

"No, I'm far from being shy"

"Then why don't you speak to me.."

"Because I don't know what to say.. I don't really know anything about you"

"I don't know anything about you either" I snap back and we sit in silence again... I got bored and remembered that I had Nicks number..

"Hey, It's Jess" -Me

He texts back quickly

"Hey, what's up. I was just about to text you.. Do you wanna come over?" -Nick

"Sorry, I can't I'm with Theo" -Me

"Oh.. I didn't know that you and Reaken were dating" -Nick

Oh my god, I'm so embarrassed that he thinks that I'm with Theo that way..

"Who are you texting?" Theo asked, I'm pretty sure that he saw the text..

"Nick.. I'm not sure about his last name tho"

"Can I see your phone real quick.. I wanna see if Tate has any music on there.." he asked and I handed him the phone, he pulled over and I noticed that he was texting and I instantly panicked

"THEO WAIT NO DON'T TEXT HIM!!" I tried to grab my phone but he already sent the text and handed my phone back.. And he started to drive again. I read the text..

"This is Theo.. I'm not dating Jess, but she isn't going over to your place later. I know how many girls hearts you've broken at school and I'm not letting that happen to Jess. She's like my little sister and I won't let anything happen to her. Oh and she actually is Brett Talbot's sister so if you hurt Her, he'll hurt you. Also you'll have to go through Liam and Scott as well before you get to her.."

I looked up at him, Nick wasn't to cute but Theo probably Just scared off every guy in the school if they seen that text. I know that him and Tate had a thing going on, but I tend to fix the broken relationship between Tate and Liam..But first I need him to know what happened to Tate. I should probably stop saying Tate and Just say 'me' since she is me.

I know that Malia is with Mason and the others to tell them what happened, so I should just wait it out..


Theo dropped me off at Brett's house since that was where I was staying. When I walked in Brett was sitting on the couch texting someone.

"Hey, did Mason and Malia tell the others about me yet?" I ask sitting next to him

"No, they are about to tho"

"Okay, we'll tell me when they do. But I'm gonna go take a shower" he nods and I walk up stairs to my room. I grab a grey tank top and plaid pajama shorts along with underwear and a sports bra. I walk into the bathroom, put my clean clothes on a shelf next to the sink, undress and get in the shower.

When I'm done I decide to just brush my hair and let it hair dry. I walk out of the bathroom and hear a few voices downstairs is I grab my phone of my bed and walk downstairs to see who's here.

"She's in the shower, she had a dream about the fight with Lucas at the club.. Maybe she'll remember other things" I heard Brett say

"So she's a completely different person, with different DNA too. What do I tell her parents? She was living with me and my Dad, so what do I tell my aunt and uncle" I was standing at the bottom of the stairs but no one has noticed me yet. Malia, Mason, Theo, Hayden, Liam were there along with a few others Who must be Lydia, Scott, Stiles.

"I don't know.. But you guys should have told me when this first happened" Scott said looking at the others

"They wanted you to cool down after what happened between you and Stiles" I said walking over to them.

"Why didn't they tell me then?"

"Because you disappeared with Hayden" I said and him and Hayden exchanged a look, and then to the floor.

"Can we deal with this tomorrow?" I asked crossing my arms

"Yeah but tomorrow is the full moon, so we're gonna have to tie you up just in case that you loose control" Stiles said

"Your not gonna tie her to a tree" Liam shot Scott and Stiles a look and I walked upstairs to my room.

I plopped down on my bed and fell asleep listening to the mumbles of their voices downstairs...


When I walked upstairs I start to cry a bit but I stop when I saw Liam coming in through my window

"I was at the door but I heard someone yelling so I came to the window.. Are you OK, what happened?" He walked over to my door and locked it, and walked me to the bed

"I'm fine this happens all the time.. They are just stupid and should break up.. Whenever they get in a fight me Dad goes to work, and she drinks"

"You know that you don't have to stay here. You have Scott's, Stiles, or even my place to stay at.. And Lydia would definitely let you stay at her place" He put the pizza box on my desk

"I know... I thought it'd be better here then how it was at my moms.. I'll just leave a note on my door saying that I'm fine but I had to leave, weren't you supposed to text me when you came?" I put some outfits in a bag with my phone charger and things like a toothbrush

"I did, check your phone I also asked my parents if I could have a friend over..You can stay in the guest room"

The dream changed

"OK.. What movie do you wanna watch? Wait never mind I'm picking 'Dawn of the Dead' its my favorite" I take it out of the cupboard and put it in the DVD player and sat on the bed next to the pillows as Liam sat towards the end, as I waited for the movie to start I when to the bathroom and changed into a long grey shirt with my sky blue and black plaid boxer shorts. When I walked in Liam already got changed.

"Well you get changed really quick" I said

"Well I kinda had this outfit on my bed. You should text Stiles and let him know that your at my place for the night"

"Maybe later, I still can't believe that you haven't seen this movie.." I said and he got a smile on his face

"What" I asked

"Nothing, your Just really beautiful" he said and I couldn't help blush

I woke up to my phone going off, a text from 'WolfBoy'.. This could be anyone, why would Tate but that name as a contact..

"Hey... I know your probably asleep, but tomorrow I'm gonna be there with you when we chain you up since Scott and Stiles are fighting still" -WolfBoy

"I'm awake.. But who is this and why is your contact name 'WolfBoy" -Me

"I'll explain tomorrow, oh and I'm Liam" -WolfBoy

"Oh okay... Um I'm having more dreams about you and Tate, when she slept over at your house and watched 'Dawn of the Dead'... Your really sweet Liam" -Me

I put my phone on my desk and stared a wall. I don't know how he feels about Hayden, but him and Tate had something special.. And I'm starting to remember everything...
OHH These dreams are making her remember!!! I'm so excited and upset about tonight's episode tbh. I DON'T WANT ANYTHING TO DIE!!! Things are gonna be taking a turn in the next few chapters!!!

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