Chapter 1 (INTRO)

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Amy's POV :
"GREAT, that's all I need right now!" I murmured to myself, as I got my ass out of that stinkin' café.

For a second, I didn't know what to believe. Was it my mind that was constantly telling me to be free from that old lady's cruelty. Or was it my conscious that was reminding me over and over again that it was the only job I had to satisfy my living? But, eventually, I ruined that once in a lifetime given opportunity, as "my boss" used to to tell me. Should I feel happy for myself for once in my life? Or should I feel sad because unfortunately, nothing in this fücking world would smile to one day and bring me the greatest news on Earth? My mind floated with unwanted questions at the moment because the only thing I wanted to think about was how in the world would I try to make a living for my sick mom. She meant the world to me, she was the only one whom I'd be living for right now in my situation. All I could do was to make money in order to provide her the appropriate medicines she had to take. But right now, all I can provide her was shït. I couldn't take out the image of her lips smiling to me as I got off to school, or even those glistering eyes that would soother the pain in me. I mean, was it me that was feeling the pain or was it her? Maybe, she was feeling the physical pain while I was feeling the emotional one. My heart burned and crumbled into ashes every time I saw her in killing pain. And the most fearful, was the thought of seeing her meet her eternal rest. She was diagnosed with a fatal disease ever since I was a child and non of the doctors we, as in my mom and I visited, had a clue to medicate her. And right now I doubt I would even try to put a smile on her face after I obviously put her hopes down because I was the only child, who should be making money for our living after my father's death. Maybe moving to Barcelona wasn't as good enough as it used to be back in my homeland Espanyol... I cleared my head from these bad thoughts and decided to think of the present. "What time is it?" I thought to myself, loudly. I looked to my watch and realized that I had forgotten it back at the café. Oh, great, could this day get any better? After all the mixed up events, confronting him and OFFICIALLY getting fired, I didn't think to myself that I eventually forgot my things there. It was my only choice, going back there, I knew I'd get confronted either by that old trout or by that selfish - disgusting prick.

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