Chapter 2

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As I was walking down the aisle, I looked at the dark sky. There, stood a full moon with no stars surrounding it. It seemed lonely in a pitch-black sky. But luckily, it's brightness showed that even through it's loneliest stages, there are times when you don't lose your priority. As I continued walking, flashbacks of the what happened earlier clouded my mind...

A few hours ago...

It was 7 p.m. and as usual I was doing the dishes while that fat ass was sitting on her butt doing her routine. Of course, one of her wrinkled hand covered with lentigos held on to a brown Marlboro cigarette while the other clutched a newspaper, as she solved Sudoku puzzles. I sighed in relief once I was done with the dishes. I looked upon her to see whether she had noticed that I'm done for today. Afterwards her gaze met mine.

"You're not done with today. You are working for additional hours." She hissed and continued "her work".

"But w-hh-yy?" I managed to say.

"Cause I said so." She said ignoring me.

"But I have to be home an hour later." I said without pointing out the reason.

"Hhhh, why do you have to? Is there any lover waiting for you?" She sarcastically mocked me.

I looked down to the broken pieces of the blocks on the floor.

"Why so quiet?" She said and paused for a second. "Ohhh I get it, today is match day between Espanyol and Real Madrid, well as much as I hate Madrid, I'll never cheer for your boys. Ohh sorry YOUR KIDS." She said every word mockingly which made my blood boil.

I couldn't help myself but to burst out with all the temper within me. I threw my apron to floor and decided to leave without considering the fact that she was my boss after all. Moments before I held the door's knob, I felt a rough hand that caught my upper arm.

"Where do you think you're going, young girl?." She said with a smirk on her face.

"Look, I'm sick and tired of your bullshït messing around with me like I'm your fücking slave." I screamed without control. But the awkward thing was that she was calm as fück.

"Look honey, do you actually remember the junk you came from. If it weren't because of my sweet and caring heart, you and your mom would be sitting right there in the middle of the street begging people for some pennies and dimes. You would be starving to death by now. Do you understand or shall I explain more?"

She said every word while looking me in the eyes to show me that I'm the weak one in this battlefield. Every word she said stabbed me with a sword right in the middle of my heart. I couldn't keep my tears from falling but I tried to restrain them to show her that I'm the strong warrior here defending my mom's castle.

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